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羅13:1 在上有權柄的,人人當順服他,因為沒有權柄不是出於神的。凡掌權的都是神所命的。
羅13:2 所以,抗拒掌權的就是抗拒神的命;抗拒的必自取刑罰。
羅13:3 作官的原不是叫行善的懼怕,乃是叫作惡的懼怕。你願意不懼怕掌權的嗎?你只要行善,就可得他的稱讚;
羅13:4 因為他是神的用人,是於你有益的。你若作惡,卻當懼怕;因為他不是空空的佩劍,他是神的用人,是伸冤的,刑罰那作惡的。
羅13:5 所以你們必須順服,不但是因為刑罰,也是因為良心。
羅13:6 你們納糧,也為這個緣故;因他們是神的差役,常常特管這事。
羅13:7 凡人所當得的,就給他。當得糧的,給他納糧;當得稅的,給他上稅;當懼怕的,懼怕他;當恭敬的,恭敬他。
多3:1 你要提醒眾人,叫他們順服作官的、掌權的,遵他的命,預備行各樣的善事。
多3:2 不要毀謗,不要爭競,總要和平,向眾人大顯溫柔。
多3:8 這話是可信的。我也願你把這些事切切實實的講明,使那些已信神的人留心做正經事業(或作:留心行善)。這都是美事,並且於人有益。
多3:9 要遠避無知的辯論和家譜的空談,以及紛爭,並因律法而起的爭競,因為這都是虛妄無益的。
多3:6 聖靈就是神藉著耶穌基督我們救主厚厚澆灌在我們身上的,
多3:7 好叫我們因他的恩得稱為義,可以憑著永生的盼望成為後嗣(或作:可以憑著盼望承受永生)。
弗1:21 遠超過一切執政的、掌權的、有能的、主治的,和一切有名的;不但是今世的,連來世的也都超過了。
弗3:10 為要藉著教會使天上執政的、掌權的,現在得知神百般的智慧。
弗6:12 因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰(原文作摔跤;下同),乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。
西1:16 因為萬有都是靠他造的,無論是天上的,地上的;能看見的,不能看見的;或是有位的,主治的,執政的,掌權的;一概都是借著他造的,又是為他造的。
西2:15 既將一切執政的、掌權的擄來,明顯給眾人看,就仗著十字架誇勝。
林前15:24 再後,末期到了,那時基督既將一切執政的、掌權的、有能的、都毀滅了,就把國交與父神。
徒3:22 摩西曾說:主─神要從你們弟兄中間給你們興起一位先知像我,凡他向你們所說的,你們都要聽從。
徒3:23 凡不聽從那先知的,必要從民中全然滅絕。
賽60:11 你的城門必時常開放,晝夜不關;使人把列國的財物帶來歸你,並將他們的君王牽引而來。
賽60:12 哪一邦哪一國不事奉你,就必滅亡,也必全然荒廢。
路17:29 到羅得出所多瑪的那日,就有火與硫磺從天上降下來,把他們全都滅了。
路17:30 人子顯現的日子也要這樣。
啟2:27 他必用鐵杖轄管(轄管:原文是牧)他們,將他們如同窯戶的瓦器打得粉碎,像我從我父領受的權柄一樣。
林前4:21 你們願意怎麼樣呢?是願意我帶著刑杖到你們那裡去呢?還是要我存慈愛溫柔的心呢?
林前4:20 因為神的國不在乎言語,乃在乎權能。
啟2:26 那得勝又遵守我命令到底的,我要賜給他權柄制伏列國;
結7:27 君要悲哀,王要披淒涼為衣,國民的手都發顫。我必照他們的行為待他們,按他們應得的審判他們,他們就知道我是耶和華。
腓2:10 叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因耶穌的名無不屈膝,
啟19:15 有利劍從他口中出來,可以擊殺列國。他必用鐵杖轄管(轄管:原文是牧)他們,並要踹全能神烈怒的酒醡。
來11:27 他因著信,就離開埃及,不怕王怒;因為他恆心忍耐,如同看見那不能看見的主。
來11:28 他因著信,就守(或作:立)逾越節,行灑血的禮,免得那滅長子的臨近以色列人。
來11:29 他們因著信,過紅海如行乾地;埃及人試著要過去,就被吞滅了。
來11:30 以色列人因著信,圍繞耶利哥城七日,城牆就倒塌了。
來11:31 妓女喇合因著信,曾和和平平的接待探子,就不與那些不順從的人一同滅亡。
來11:32 我又何必再說呢?若要一一細說,基甸、巴拉、參孫、耶弗他、大衛、撒母耳,和眾先知的事,時候就不夠了。
來11:33 他們因著信,制伏了敵國,行了公義,得了應許,堵了獅子的口,
來11:34 滅了烈火的猛勢,脫了刀劍的鋒刃;軟弱變為剛強,爭戰顯出勇敢,打退外邦的全軍。
路6:35 你們倒要愛仇敵,也要善待他們,並要借給人不指望償還,你們的賞賜就必大了,你們也必作至高者的兒子;因為他恩待那忘恩的和作惡的。
路6:36 你們要慈悲,像你們的父慈悲一樣。
路6:27 只是我告訴你們這聽道的人,你們的仇敵,要愛他!恨你們的,要待他好!
路6:28 咒詛你們的,要為他祝福!凌辱你們的,要為他禱告!
太5:43 你們聽見有話說:當愛你的鄰舍,恨你的仇敵。
太5:44 只是我告訴你們,要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告。
太5:46 你們若單愛那愛你們的人,有什麼賞賜呢?就是稅吏不也是這樣行嗎?
太5:47 你們若單請你弟兄的安,比人有什麼長處呢?就是外邦人不也是這樣行嗎?
太5:48 所以,你們要完全,像你們的天父完全一樣。
路6:37 你們不要論斷人,就不被論斷;你們不要定人的罪,就不被定罪;你們要饒恕人,就必蒙饒恕(饒恕:原文作釋放);
約3:18 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已經定了,因為他不信神獨生子的名。
太10:14 凡不接待你們、不聽你們話的人,你們離開那家,或是那城的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去。
可6:11 何處的人不接待你們,不聽你們,你們離開那裡的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去,對他們作見證。
太22:44 主對我主說:你坐在我的右邊,等我把你仇敵放在你的腳下。
路20:43 等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。
來10:13 從此,等候他仇敵成了他的腳凳。
林前15:25 因為基督必要作王,等神把一切仇敵都放在他的腳下。
林前15:26 盡末了所毀滅的仇敵,就是死。
路19:27 至於我那些仇敵,不要我作他們王的,把他們拉來,在我面前殺了吧!
太15:13 耶穌回答說:凡栽種的物,若不是我天父栽種的,必要拔出來。
申28:19 你出也受咒詛,入也受咒詛。
耶48:10 懶惰為耶和華行事的,必受咒詛;禁止刀劍不經血的,必受咒詛。
代下15:13 凡不尋求耶和華—以色列神的,無論大小、男女,必被治死。
出22:20 祭祀別神,不單單祭祀耶和華的,那人必要滅絕。
Rom13:1 Let everyone put himself under the authority of the higher powers, because there is no power which is not of God, and all powers are ordered by God.
Rom13:2 For which reason everyone who puts himself against the authority puts himself against the order of God: and those who are against it will get punishment for themselves.
Rom13:3 For rulers are not a cause of fear to the good work but to the evil. If you would have no fear of the authority, do good and you will have praise;
Rom13:4 For he is the servant of God to you for good. But if you do evil, have fear; for the sword is not in his hand for nothing: he is God's servant, making God's punishment come on the evil-doer.
Rom13:5 So put yourselves under the authority, not for fear of wrath, but because you have the knowledge of what is right.
Rom13:6 For the same reason, make payment of taxes; because the authority is God's servant, to take care of such things at all times.
Rom13:7 Give to all what is their right: taxes to him whose they are, payment to him whose right it is, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour is to be given.
Tit3:1 Make clear to them that they are to put themselves under rulers and authorities, to do what they are ordered, to be ready for every good work,
Tit3:2 To say no evil of any man, not to be fighters, to give way to others, to be gentle in behaviour to all men.
Tit3:8 This is a true saying; and it is my desire that you may give certain witness about these things, so that those who have had faith in God may give attention to good works. These things are good and of profit to men;
Tit3:9 But have nothing to do with foolish questionings, and lists of generations, and fights and arguments about the law; for they are of no profit and foolish.
Tit3:6 Which he gave us freely through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
Tit3:7 So that, having been given righteousness through grace, we might have a part in the heritage, the hope of eternal life.
Eph1:21 Far over all rule and authority and power and every name which is named, not only in the present order, but in that which is to come:
Eph3:10 So that now to the rulers and the authorities in the heavens might be made clear through the church the wide-shining wisdom of God,
Eph6:12 For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens.
Col1:16 For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and p
Col2:15 Having made himself free from the rule of authorities and powers, he put them openly to shame, glorying over them in it.
1Co15:24 Then comes the end, when he will give up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have put an end to all rule and to all authority and power.
Act3:22 For Moses said, The Lord will give you a prophet from among your people, like me; you will give ear to everything which he will say to you.
Act3:23 And every soul who does not give attention to that prophet, will be cut off from among the people.
Isa60:11 Your doors will be open at all times; they will not be shut day or night; so that men may come into you with the wealth of the nations, with their kings at their head.
Isa60:12 For the nation or kingdom which will not be your servant will come to destruction; such nations will be completely waste.
Luk17:29 But on the day when Lot went out of Sodom, fire came down from heaven and destruction came on them all.
Luk17:30 So will it be in the day of the revelation of the Son of man.
Rev2:27 And he will be ruling them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of the potter they will be broken, even as I have power from my Father:
1Co4:21 What is your desire? is my coming to be with punishment, or is it to be in love and a gentle spirit?
1Co4:20 For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
Rev2:26 He who overcomes, and keeps my works to the end, to him I will give rule over the nations,
Eze7:27 The king will give himself up to sorrow, and the ruler will be clothed with wonder, and the hands of the people of the land will be troubled: I will give them punishment for their ways, judging them as it is right for them to be judged; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
Phl2:10 So that at the name of Jesus every knee may be bent, of those in heaven and those on earth and those in the underworld,
Rev19:15 And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all.
Heb11:27 By faith he went out of Egypt, not being turned from his purpose by fear of the wrath of the king; for he kept on his way, as seeing him who is unseen.
Heb11:28 By faith he kept the Passover, and put the sign of the blood on the houses, so that the angel of destruction might not put their oldest sons to death.
Heb11:29 By faith they went through the Red Sea as if it had been dry land, though the Egyptians were overcome by the water when they made an attempt to do the same.
Heb11:30 By faith the walls of Jericho came down, after they had been circled for seven days.
Heb11:31 By faith Rahab, the loose woman, was not put to death with those who had gone against God's orders, because she had taken into her house in peace those sent to see the land.
Heb11:32 What more am I to say? For there would not be time to give the stories of Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets:
Heb11:33 Who through faith overcame kingdoms, did righteousness, got their reward, kept the mouths of lions shut,
Heb11:34 Put out the power of fire, got safely away from the edge of the sword, were made strong when they had been feeble, became full of power in war, and put to flight the armies of the nations.
Luk6:35 But be loving to those who are against you and do them good, and give them your money, not giving up hope, and your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the Most High: for he is kind to evil men, and to those who have hard hearts.
Luk6:36 Be full of pity, even as your Father is full of pity.
Luk6:27 But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you,
Luk6:28 Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you.
Mat5:43 You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you:
Mat5:44 But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Mat5:46 For if you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? do not the tax-farmers the same?
Mat5:47 And if you say, Good day, to your brothers only, what do you do more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same?
Mat5:48 Be then complete in righteousness, even as your Father in heaven is complete.
Luk6:37 Be not judges of others, and you will not be judged: do not give punishment to others, and you will not get punishment yourselves: make others free, and you will be made free:
Jhn3:18 The man who has faith in him does not come up to be judged; but he who has no faith in him has been judged even now, because he has no faith in the name of the only Son of God.
Mat10:14 And whoever will not take you in, or give ear to your words, when you go out from that house or that town, put off its dust from your feet.
Mak6:11 And whatever place will not take you in and will not give ear to you, when you go away, put off the dust from your feet as a witness against them.
Mat22:44 The Lord said to my Lord, Be seated at my right hand, till I put under your feet all those who are against you?
Luk20:43 Till I put under your feet all those who are against you.
Heb10:13 And has been waiting there from that time, till all who are against him are made a foot-rest for his feet.
1Co15:25 For his rule will go on till he has put all those who are against him under his feet.
1Co15:26 The last power to come to an end is death.
Luk19:27 And as for those who were against me, who would not have me for their ruler, let them come here, and be put to death before me.
Mat15:13 But he said in answer, Every plant which my Father in heaven has not put in the earth, will be taken up by the roots.
Deu28:19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.
Jer48:10 Let him be cursed who does the Lord's work half-heartedly; let him be cursed who keeps back his sword from blood.
2Ch15:13 And that anyone, small or great, man or woman, who was not true to the Lord, the God of Israel, would be put to death.
Exo22:20 Complete destruction will come on any man who makes offerings to any other god but the Lord.