猶太人的釋經書 Midrash 就有以下解釋:
Isaac asks to be bound tightly so he will not instinctively jerk and possibly injure his father. Isaac said: Father, I am young and I suspect that my body might move from fear of the knife and I will cause you sorrow (B按:你老婆肉緊高潮時都會搲損你背脊?), or the slaughter will be invalid and the sacrifice will not rise for you, you should tie me very tight. He sent out his hand to take the knife and tears were flowing from his eyes and his tears were falling into the eyes of Isaac because of the compassion of a father (Genesis Rabbah, 56:8).
說是依撒格主動要求的..因被宰時會驚, 掙扎, 會受傷....於是不能成無瑕庛的祭品