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Brian Cox slams the Bible as ‘one of the worst books ever’: ‘Stupid’ people believe it

In an interview on “The Starting Line Podcast,” “Succession” star Brian Cox, 77, had some scathing words about the book.

“Religion does hold us back because it’s belief systems which are outside ourselves,” Cox said on the show, which published Sunday.

“They’re not dealing with who we are. We’re dealing with, ‘Oh if God says this and God does that,’ and you go, ‘Well what is God?’ We’ve created that idea of God, and we’ve created it as a control issue, and it’s also a patriarchal issue.”In an interview on “The Starting Line Podcast,” “Succession” star Brian Cox, 77, had some scathing words about the book.

“Religion does hold us back because it’s belief systems which are outside ourselves,” Cox said on the show, which published Sunday.

“They’re not dealing with who we are. We’re dealing with, ‘Oh if God says this and God does that,’ and you go, ‘Well what is God?’ We’ve created that idea of God, and we’ve created it as a control issue, and it’s also a patriarchal issue.”Cox said that some people do need religion for guidance.

“They need it, but they don’t need to be told lies,” he said.

“They need some kind of truth, and that is not the truth … It’s a mythology.”The Scottish actor, who is also known for “Braveheart,” “The Bourne Identity,” “Troy” and “Churchill,” hasn’t shied away from blunt statements in the past.

After his onscreen “Succession” son, Jeremy Strong, 45, gave an interview about method acting, Cox told  “Town & Country” magazine that Strong’s method acting is “f – – king annoying. Don’t get me going on it.”

“He’s a very good actor. And the rest of the ensemble is all okay with this. But knowing a character and what the character does is only part of the skill set,” he added of Strong. “He’s still that guy, because he feels if he went somewhere else he’d lose it.”

“But he won’t! Strong is talented. He’s f – – king gifted,” he continued. “When you’ve got the gift, celebrate the gift. Go back to your trailer and have a hit of marijuana, you know?”“I’ve worked with intense actors before. It’s a particularly American disease, I think, this inability to separate yourself off while you’re doing the job. The result that Jeremy gets is always pretty tremendous. I just worry about what he does to himself. I worry about the crises he puts himself through in order to prepare.”

On the podcast, Cox further went on to say that he’s not optimistic the conflict in the Middle East – especially between Israel and Hamas – will ever stop “because of belief systems.”“It’s all about this notion of God, the idea that there’s a God that takes care of us all. There’s no such thing,” Cox said on Sunday.

“It’s about us, and we don’t examine ourselves nearly enough. We don’t look at who we are. We’re always looking outside of ourselves, instead of looking inside ourselves.”
Brian Cox slams the Bible as ‘one of the worst books ever’: ‘Stupid’ people believe it

In an in ...
沙文 發表於 2024/6/4 00:56

slam the bible....呢個版都成日有人做喇
Brian Cox 只係一個有點知名度的  leefeng, 旁觀者。
聖經被兜巴星係好正常嘅現象, 報道聖經被兜巴星亦都成日都有人, 今次只係日常routine work, 並冇任何大驚屌怪
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/6/4 06:17 編輯
聖經被兜巴星係好正常嘅現象, 報道聖經被兜巴星亦都成日都有人, 今次只係日常routine work, 並冇任何大驚屌 ...
沙文 發表於 2024/6/4 05:11

有冇需要好似唔係由你決定喎, 我係鍾意小便開叉都開論, 不但係開叉,小便滴濕鞋我都開題,你吹咩
有啲網友話”監獄生活仍是一種享受”都開論題, 點解你又冇意見呢?

Anyway, thank you for your input, but please do keep in mind that if I want your advice, I will ask.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
slam the bible....呢個版都成日有人做喇
Brian Cox 只係一個有點知名度的  leefeng, 旁觀者。
beebeechan 發表於 2024/6/4 05:03

本帖最後由 leefeng 於 2024/6/4 12:25 編輯
slam the bible....呢個版都成日有人做喇
Brian Cox 只係一個有點知名度的  leefeng, 旁觀者。
唔使大 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/6/4 05:03

賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/6/4 20:00 編輯
知名度都幾高,教會應正視問題並出動反駁隊,以免被其不當言論絆倒他人。陳版友輕描淡寫,雲淡風輕 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2024/6/4 10:37

咁世上有slam bible 既人都係篤狗屎啫
(上邊 #7 又有一篤)

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/6/4 21:07 編輯
有冇需要好似唔係由你決定喎, 我係鍾意小便開叉都開論題, 不但係開叉,小便滴濕鞋我都開題,你吹咩
有啲網 ...
沙文 發表於 2024/6/4 06:14


你呢啲廟街歌檔, 係噪音多過係演唱娛民喎
咁世上有slam bible 既人都係篤狗屎啫
(上邊 #7 又有一篤) ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/6/4 19:59

天主? 你見到呀?伊甸園?你去過呀?
賽 13:16   他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。
回覆 11# beebeechan

咁你仲報警? 我唔會去自首㗎
要report埋 “The Starting Line Podcast,”, 唔知黑警有冇域外執法權? 可能要轉介畀國安處理先得, 或者要搵經貿辦做
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/6/5 03:56 編輯
回覆  beebeechan

咁你仲報警? 我唔會去自首㗎
要report埋 “The Starting Line Podcast,”, 唔知黑警有 ...
沙文 發表於 2024/6/4 23:55

當年有黃雀, 把人運出長城
或者現在有藍鳥, 把人運番入長城。好似銅鑼灣運書咁
你成日去啲山旮旯地方潛水, 在水底失縱, 尋獲不果。.......好容易交代
好啦好啦, 我驚呀, 我信耶穌啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/6/5 04:36 編輯
好啦好啦, 我驚呀, 我信耶穌啦

沙文 發表於 2024/6/5 04:24

一聽到有blue jays 就心虛, 返咗心震

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 旁觀者 於 2024/6/6 20:34 編輯

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