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剛才在線上找到一本好書,基廷神父著的基督徒的默觀之路。這是中譯本。這是一本有關歸心祈禱的經典之作。基廷神父是歸心祈禱運動(centering movement)的發起人。
Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation
作者:多默.基廷 (Thomas Keating)
多默.基廷(Thomas Keating),嚴規熙篤會會士。1923年出生於紐約,就讀耶魯大學期間接觸教會史,深受密契靈修和默觀祈禱吸引,而領洗成為天主教徒。1944年入會,1949年6月晉鐸。1958年擔任科羅拉多州斯諾瑪斯聖本篤隱修院院長,現居斯諾瑪斯聖本篤隱修院。
1975年與潘寧頓神父(M. Basil Pennington)和梅寧哲神父(William Meninger)共同推動歸心祈禱運動,1984年立默觀推廣協會。畢生致力於宗教交談,是享譽國際的神學家和作家,著有《靈修發展中的關鍵性危機》、Open Mind, Open Heart 及 The Mystery of Christ 等。
尺寸:150*210 mm
第1章 快樂情緒模式
第2章 假我的運作
第3章 苦惱的情緒
第4章 人類的處境
第5章 神話社群意識
第6章 心智自我意識
第7章 四件同意
第8章 伯尼修士
第9章 聖安當:靈修之旅的典範
第10章 感官的黑夜:掙脫假我的束縛
第11章 感官黑夜的特殊考驗
第12章 墓穴裡的安當: 掙脫文化的制約
第13章 感官黑夜的果實
第14章 默觀祈禱的階段
第15章 心靈的黑夜
第16章 轉化結合
第17章 真福八端前四端
第18章 真福八端後四端
第19章 默觀祈禱的本質
第20章 從默觀到行動
第21章 在行動中默觀
第22章 日常生活中的靈修
Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation
by Thomas Keating
Publisher: Bloomsbury, 2012
ISBN: 9781441143761
Digital Logos Edition
Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.
Invitation to Love provides a road map for the journey that begins when Centering Prayer is seriously undertaken. Pointing to some of the recognizable landmarks on this journey, as well as to its ultimate destination, Father Keating addresses common questions regarding contemplative practice: How will it affect my life? Where does it lead us spiritually? What obstacles will I encounter along the way? How does it work? Following on from Open Mind, Open Heart, this book establishes a dialogue between the insights of contemporary psychology and the classic Christian spiritual masters, providing a solid conceptual background for the practice of Centering Prayer. This is a practical book, articulating the stages of the process of spiritual growth, and outlining how we might develop a deeper relationship with God and move from contemplation to action.
Key Features
Provides instructional guidebooks, workbooks, and daily devotionals to ease you into silent worship
Combines contemporary psychological wisdom with time-tested spiritual strategies
Presents valuable insights and practical application
Top Highlights
“To repent is not to take on afflictive penances like fasting, vigils, flagellation, or whatever else appeals to our generosity. It means to change the direction in which you are looking for happiness.” (Pages 11–12)
“The experience of the transforming union is a way of being in the world that enables us to live daily life with the invincible conviction of continuous union with God. It is a new way of being in the world, a way of transcending everything in the world without leaving it.” (Page 117)
“The greatest fruit of the night of spirit is the disposition that is willing to accept God on his own terms. As a result, one allows God to be God without knowing who or what that is.” (Pages 114–115)
“In the light of transforming union, therefore, the most important element in centering prayer is the practice itself, not its psychological content.” (Page 109)
“Because of our fixations on particular programs for happiness, we treat survival/security, affection/esteem, and power/control symbols as absolutes, that is, as substitutes for God. Instead of being content with a reasonable amount of security, pleasure, and independence, we want to squeeze from these limited goods an absolute happiness that they cannot give. We then experience immediate disappointment and frustration.” (Page 55)
Title: Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation
Author: Thomas Keating
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Print Publication Date: 2012
Logos Release Date: 2014
Pages: 160
Language: English
Resources: 1
Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
Subject: Contemplation
ISBNs: 9781441143761, 1441143769
Resource Type: Monograph
Metadata Last Updated: 2024-03-25T21:11:48Z
About Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating is known throughout the world as an exponent, teacher, and writer on contemplative prayer. A Cistercian (Trappist) monk of St. Benedict’s Monastery, Snowmass, Colorado, he is a founder of the Centering Prayer Movement and of Contemplative Outreach. He is the author of numerous books, particularly of the trilogy Open Mind, Open Heart; Invitation to Love; and The Mystery of Christ. Among his most recent books is The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living, compiled by S. Stephanie Iachetta. He served as abbot at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Massachusetts for 20 years before retiring to Snowmass, where he now resides.