本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2024/9/17 21:47 編輯
Pope Francis fires Texan bishop after criticism of reforms (bbc.com)
Italian priest struck off for calling Francis an ‘anti-pope usurper’ | Pope Francis | The Guardian
抽刀斷水 發表於 2024/9/16 21:37 
主教任命前, 都宣誓服從教宗的:'Elect of the Church of N, I will from this hour henceforward be obedient to blessed Peter the apostle, and to the holy Roman Church, and to the blessed father, pope N, and to his successors canonically chosen.'
David Kertzer, Johan Ickx (只是梵蒂岡僱員 )沒有宣誓要服從教宗的。
所以, 即使有頂撞都無必要對他們小器。
文員仔同司長, 處長...同是公務員,
邊個出言頂撞特區政府, 中央會有大劑啲既後果? |