原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-31 22:21 發表 
There is a Chinese saying: I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
I agree,
the communist really do somethings ...
why they found they are wrong after they made the wrong decsion a long time...
i`m so tired...
U know what my 理想before the "things" happened?
live with her
have two babies
There is a saying:
, congratulations !! ,
thou hast made it !!
thou hast gotten the idea o'
when 1 should use the ````````` there is ''''''''' e.t.c. to translate the chinese meaning of ,,,,,有''''
thy humble servant guarantees : : that would not b////be so easy for a chinese person to make it
I am only hating that I am unable to turn iron ore to steel.~~
good translation-expression !!
the communist
the communists
really do somethings ...
really have done somethings ...
mmmmmmmmm .........
thy originnals : :
grammaticcally////grammatically 1.000% right ,
semanticcally////semantically ......... would b////be self-explaning////self-explaining ,
but ,
in order to be precise , so .........
why they found they are wrong after they made the wrong decsion a long time...
why they found they were wrong after they have made the wrong decsion a long time...
after the conjunction ,,,,,after'''' ,
it is the corresponding perfect tense to b employed , in the same clause introduced by ,,after'' ]]]]]]]]]
U know what my 理想before the "things" happened?
do you know what were/////////had-been my 理想dreams before the "things" happened?
please , thy humble servant would propose that : :::::
those question-introducing particles such as : : ,,do'' or ,,does'' e.t.c. should always secure
their own [[upfront]] place in any questionning////questioning sentence ,
in order to b////be precise
live with her
to live with her ,
or ,
living with her
,,,,, live with her '''' = a command :: ,,,,, live with her !!!! '''' ,
probably being so interpretted////interpreted generally by westerners ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
have two babies
to have two babies
or ,
having two babies
cheers ThANK ye , sorry ,   :跪拜: |