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回復 180# prussianz 的帖子

haha.....sorry sorry...
i tend to type all english and lots of typo's when i am at my office.....(boss is watching ma...)
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
--Stephen F. Roberts
原帖由 劈柴 於 2008-8-26 02:52 發表
haha.....sorry sorry...
i tend to type all english and lots of typo's when i am at my office.....(boss is watching ma...)



exChristian.info前基督徒,主力:淚儿/泪儿,WEIYAN,龙井树。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。警告 基督徒:你们一定不够他们玩

回復 182# prussianz 的帖子

it's ok...
boss is watching but not bitching...
so just don't stay on the same screen for too long~
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
--Stephen F. Roberts
dragoon 發表於 2008/8/17 22:54

耶穌本叫以撤 ,耶穌是希臘文
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