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★★★ 宇宙無敵,你必須相信三位一體 ★★★

Reasons Why You Have to Believe in the Trinity

Suppose the Father existed alone. For a person to exist alone would be bad. A divine person is a perfectly good person, and that involves being a loving person. A loving person needs someone to love.

The Father will bring into existence another divine person with whom to share his rule of the universe. Following tradition, let us call that other person 'God the Son'.

St Augustine wrote that if the Father wished to cause the Son to exist, and was unable to do it, he would have been weak; if he was able to do it but did not wish to, he would have been ungenerous (that is, because he wished to be the only divine person). Hence the Father would not exist at all unless he caused the Son to exist.

The love of the Father for the Son must include a wish to cooperate with the Son in further total sharing with a third member of the Trinity, whom, following tradition, we may call the Holy Spirit, whom they will love and by whom they will be loved.

In the twelfth century Richard of St Victor made this point and gave a further argument for it. He wrote that anyone who really loves someone will seek the good of that person by finding some third person for him to love and be loved by.

Hence the Trinity must have always existed. The perfect goodness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit means that they love each other without limit.
This is the reason why people don't believe trinity.

The argument only prove trinity is true when the preposition(if) is true.
回復 1# jp1

Why not the fourth, fifty, .... entities??
本帖最後由 android 於 2010/6/25 15:08 編輯


創2:7  耶和華神用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。

回復 4# android

你咁樣質疑, 顧住基佬又話:
你點能夠用你有限嘅智慧, 來猜度全能全知嘅神哩!
(以上對白, 絕非小弟捏造.  我每有疑問, 基佬們都係咁答覆我嘅!)
回復  android
以上對白, 絕非小弟捏造.  我每有疑問, 基佬們都係咁答覆我嘅!
方方土 發表於 2010/6/26 09:57

就像淚兒的[搞笑] 第七誡不可姦淫 的"性幻想?"一節"馬太福音 5 章 - 只是 我告訴你們,凡看見婦女就動淫念的,這人心裡已經與她犯姦淫了!"

說到Trinity...最近在Youtube上和一個外國人爭辯中文內是否有影藏聖經內的故事 在花了許多時間指出他解字方式的錯誤之後 他依然堅持要使用他(他是個完全不懂中文的老外)的解字方式來證明他的結論 這也沒什麼 中了宗教毒後對現實的接受度多半會差一些 不過他現在提出了一個論點讓我很不好反駁 所以特來此地請教各位大大的意見

他說中國的道教中有許多和聖經內容雷同的地方 以下是他的論點

'In Taoism, which came later, there also appears a striking resemblance to Christianity. The three Holy figures of Taosim, which correspond to the nature of the the Father, Son, Spirit. They are called the ''Three Pure Ones'' and their characters are described as:

The Jade Purity, 玉清; "The Universally Honoured One of Origin"
(Gen 1:1, John 1:1)

The Supreme Pure One 上清; "The Universally Honoured One of Divinities and Treasures"
(Deuteronomy 33:19, Matthew 13:52)

The Grand Pure One 太清; "The Universally Honoured One of Tao and Virtues"
(John 14:26, Galatians 5:22-23)'

回復 7# Guest from 70.79.247.x

    中國的百家思想在先秦時期就有(公元6世紀前之前) ,佛教 ,印度教都係 ,可不要忘記 ,沒有絲路前 ,中國和西方已有貿易來往
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