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[搞笑] 原罪和一次得救永遠得救 by淚兒

沙文 發表於 2010/7/21 11:25

回復 140# 沙文

係聖經裡面, 係無"原諒"這兩個字.  我諗BB陳會...."體諒"你
來 5:2        他能體諒那愚蒙的和失迷的人,因為他自己也是被軟弱所困。

弗 3:2        必你們曾聽見神賜恩給我,將關切你們的職分託付我,
原來已經將魔鬼的職份託付給你, 你有福了.  上帝的邏輯, 信徒.非信徒也不能理解, 只要信他是愛人, 只想人快樂.  只要你現時開心, 魔鬼就是你現時狀態的稱呼.
突然間咁多引經, 新入黎既人會以為你地先係基基, 我係反基咋.
聖經有一千九百七十六頁, 有排抄
本帖最後由 E72 於 2010/7/21 12:24 編輯

回復 143# beebeechan

新入黎既人會以為你地先係基基, 我係反基咋. ..... ---------------------------------------------
原來你也知道你的言論反緊基o架....聖經裡面無"自省"這兩個字wor....彼後 3:1  親愛的弟兄啊,我現在寫給你們的是第二封信。這兩封都是提你們,激發你們誠實的心,

因為這版是"基督宗教", 我諗版主唔介意我抄聖經去答你.  我儘量唔引耶穌的說話 (如果要引, 我會加上"由聖靈感動的"....大部份聖經內, 耶穌的話, 都無法從多方引證, 結果跟我本人所說的無分別)
回復 143# beebeechan

The best way to have more non-Christian is to have them read the Bible themselves.
beebeechan 發表於 2010/7/20 19:36

回復  beebeechan

因為這版是"基督宗教", 我諗版主唔介意我抄聖經去答你.  我儘量唔引耶穌的說話 (如果要引, 我會加上"由聖靈感動的"....大部份聖經內, 耶穌的話, 都無法從多方引證, 結果跟我本人所說的無分別)

E72 發表於 2010/7/21 12:16

本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/21 19:55 編輯
回復  beebeechan

The best way to have more non-Christian is to have them read the Bible themselves ...
dye 發表於 2010/7/21 12:40

For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,

When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’

If your heart isn't in it, you read and you can just read 'words', not the messages.

回復 148# beebeechan

If your heart isn't in it, you read and you can just read 'word', not the messages.

弗 6:5        你們作僕人的,要懼怕戰兢,用誠實的心聽從你們肉身的主人,好像聽從基督一般。
回復  beebeechan

弗 6:5        你們作僕人的,要懼怕戰兢,用誠實的心聽從你們肉身的主人,好像聽從基督一般。

E72 發表於 2010/7/22 10:15

這句經文與我話你只懂看經不明白經文, 有甚麼關係?
識抄來幾句經不等同你明白, 你明未呀?
回復 152# beebeechan

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