I am a trained pastor, biblical studies is my profession, and I've been in the pastoral position for quite a number of years. I cannot agree more with your sharing. I found it simply truthful. Christianity is virtually a hoax. It just doesn't work - 'coz it operates on a fantasy/human-made system. Jesus once pointed out that a good tree would not bear bad fruit. So does Christianity. The “product” does a good job in denouncing the very “producer” itself. Indeed, its promise to a blissful life can equally (if not better) be attained through other means (i.e., other religions, or philosophies). Yet having said all these, I found myself still "working" within this religious establishment, trying to grab and secure my family’s livelihood on a little pay-cheque through teaching “ideas” that I personally don't even hold on to.... What I can do to ease my inner struggle is, trying my best, to repaint the Bible in its original flavor, to make my congregants aware of the different “literary” ingredient embedded in it. I want them to know, to discover themselves that the work they believe to be life-governing/divine/intact is simply not true. I believe the purpose of education – even religious education – is to enlighten people. And education is power.
I came to this "predicament", like you, over a long period of time through extensive reading/studies/dialogues. It's a process of gradual awakening. I’ve been a believer for over 20 years and I know how it felt especially the first few years. And the world just fell apart as we moved on in our lives. The emptiness/powerlessness of the Christian faith to a serious truth seeker is so hurting.
So, you are much better than I since you are already on the OTHER side, FREE. I wonder when will be my turn. Nice having come across your article. Comforting.
我自己是一個受過訓練的傳道人, 我的專科是聖經研究, 我也曾經有幾年牧會. 我實在十分同意你的分享, 因為你說的是真的, 基督教真的只是一個騙局. 基督教根本就行不通, 因為它的基礎就是大堆幻想和人自己建構的系統. 耶穌說過一句話, 好樹不會出壞果子, 這也可以應用到基督教之上. 基督教的"產品"確實非常徹底否定它的"生產者".
基督教所應許的美好來生, 其他哲學信仰也能夠提供同等的進路.
話雖如此, 我卻一直為這個宗教建制"工作", 以獲取微薄的薪酬養家, 縱然我所傳的信息我自己都不再相信.....
我唯一能稍微減輕內心的掙扎, 就是盡可能把聖經的本來面目展視給自己教會的教友, 讓他們意識到聖經裡面不同題材的元素,我希望他們知道, 自己發現, 他們所相信那個掌管生命/神聖/不變的聖經(信仰/神?)根本不是真實的.我相信教育, 就算宗教教育, 目的在啟發思考, 教育是力量.
最後, 我和你一樣都走到這一步, 我和你一樣經過長時間, 深入, 廣泛的閱讀, 學習和討論. 這是我一步一步的醒悟. 我也信耶穌超過20年, 我很體會特別在發現自己不再相信最初幾年的感覺, 好似自己熟識世界忽然都倒下來, 然後要繼續活下去. 對於一個堅持,認真追求真理的人 -- 發現基督教的虛空/無能是個痛苦的經歷.
但是你的景況比我好得多, 因為你已經過了對岸, 自由了
我在想, 什麼時候輪到我自己走出來. 在網上發現你的"離教見證"很高興, 感到安慰. |