本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2011/10/25 11:31 編輯
水若易 發表於 2011/10/24 20:16 
我個人比較八卦, 不會滿足於甚麼的百度, 維基.
我也找來圖圖主教演講原文 (這裡只引出有關的第一段)
Religious Human Rights and the Bible
Desmond M. Tutu
There is a story, which is fairly well known, about when the missionaries came to Africa. They had the Bible and we, the natives, had the land. They said "Let us pray," and we dutifully shut our eyes. When we opened them, why, they now had the land and we had the Bible. It would, on the surface, appear as if we had struck a bad bargain, but the fact of the matter is that we came out of that transaction a great deal better off than when we started. The point is that we were given a priceless gift in the word of God: the gospel of salvation, the good news of God's love for us that is given so utterly unconditionally. But even more wonderful is the fact that we were given the most subversive, most revolutionary thing around. Those who may have wanted to exploit us and to subject us to injustice and oppression should really not have given us the Bible, because that placed dynamite under their nefarious schemes. ........
主教不認為這是非洲人一項賠本的交易, 他說:"that we came out of that transaction a great deal better off than when we started. The point is that we were given a priceless gift in the word of God...."
你英文尚好, 我應不用跟你續個字解說.
此段未段也說明給予非洲人聖經的, 與取走非洲人土地的是兩幫不同的人:
"Those who may have wanted to exploit us and to subject us to injustice and oppression should really not have given us the Bible"
你, 或貼在百度維基的「作者」斬頭切尾, 斷章取義, 只取幾隻字來完成他們的反基夢, 造些驚世駭俗之論。
更可憐的是被人牽著鼻子走的一班陋儒。 |