本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2012/1/16 07:08 編輯
Pacelli presided as Papal Legate over the International Eucharistic Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 10–14 October 1934, and in Budapest from 25–30 May 1938.[24] At this time, anti-semitic laws were in the process of being formulated in Hungary. Pacelli made reference to the Jews "whose lips curse [Christ] and whose hearts reject him even today"
Pacelli 主教1938年出席布達佩斯國際聖體大會時的講詞, 是最多給人轉貼引用為Pacelli 主教心藏反猶太人思想。
Jesus conquers! He who so often was the recipient of the rage of his enemies, he who suffered the persecutions of those of whom he was one, he shall be triumphant in the future as well. . . . As opposed to the foes of Jesus, who cried out to his face, “Crucify him!” we sing him hymns of our loyalty and our love. We act in this fashion, not out of bitterness, not out of a sense of superiority, not out of arrogance toward those whose lips curse him and whose hearts reject him even today.
全文是說耶穌被釘時那班人的表現。 全段也無直接指明是指猶太人。 the foes of Jesus 也是包括比拉多, 羅馬人。 仇敵基督的人, 今時今日仍是用同樣嘴臉來抺黑耶穌哩。主教無講錯啵。
這種把事實遮遮掩掩, 刪刪裁裁, 實在把李柱銘描繪成是共產黨在香港的卧底也不是難事哩。
同樣手法, 正如現任教宗年青時的一幅照片, 就被利用成是教宗支持納粹的鐵証咁。

不過, 若能一窺全貌, 卻實在是另一回事囉。
http://oi43.tinypic.com/jtq4c0.jpg (按圖連結一窺全貌)
某人用以下經文來描繪耶穌是來宣揚暴力的, 都是同一種膠:
因為我來是叫人與父親生疏,女兒與母親生疏,媳婦與婆婆生疏。人的仇敵就是自己家裡的人。愛父母過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;愛兒女過於愛我的,不配作我的門徒;(瑪竇福音 10:34-37)
至於我那些仇敵,就是不願意我作王統治他們的,把他們拉到這裡來,在我面前殺掉 (路 加 福 音 19:27) |