本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2012/4/16 08:20 編輯
>>>Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection 作者 DM Murdock 在訪問中便承認了不懂埃及象形文字:
666 發表於 2012/4/15 18:42 
Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection 作者 DM Murdock 的履歷:
Murdock received a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree in Classics, Greek Civilization, from Franklin and Marshall College, after which, she spent a year in Greece at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in Greece
也出書批評Murdock 實在是亂說一通, 班門弄斧的另一個學者 W. Ward Gasque 履歷:
W. Ward Gasque, BA, BD, MTh, PhD
W. Ward Gasque holds a Ph.D. from Manchester University (UK). A graduate of Harvard University’s Institute for Educational Leadership (1993), he is President of the Pacific Association for Theological Studies.
兩人履歷併在一起比較比較, 不難判斷誰實在是在這方面有較專長認識, 誰才是權威.
不怕貨比貨, 只怕你無料. |