本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2012/4/17 01:20 編輯
再者我早說過了,這個W. Ward Gasque他拿的出來20 位專家的名單與答復文嗎?
666 發表於 2012/4/17 00:16 
反基的作者 R.G.Price 讀罷 Murdock 的書Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection 後, 也在他的書Suns of God 中罵 Murdock 造假, 廢話.
怕你唔曉搵, 我搵埋俾你:
R.G.Price 如何罵 D.M.Murdock:
If one were to write a thorough analysis of the book to challenge every errant claim made in it the analysis would be longer than the book itself, because in essence every single page is filled with multiple errors, misrepresentations, and/or misdirections of one sort or another. In some cases, indeed in several cases, the author does hit upon some general ideas that are basically correct or reasonable, but the big picture is often completely undermined by the litany of "incorrect facts" and/or flawed reasoning used to support it.
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