此君任 Professor of New Testament at University of Toronto (Toronto School of Theology) from 1964 to 1971.
Toronto School of Theology 在 1970年前是私立機構, 私立學院。
所以, 任命誰人當教授也可以, 請BBC, 666也可以, 無管制。
在1971年, Toronto School of Theology 才附屬多倫多大學, 可以頒授多倫多大學認可的學位, 從此日起, 此君便無得撈矣。
>>>此君任 Professor of New Testament at University of Toronto (Toronto School of Theology) from 1964 to 1971.
Toronto School of Theology 在 1970年前是私立機構, 私立學院。
所以, 任命誰人當教授也可以, 請BBC, 666也可以, 無管制。
在1971年, Toronto School of Theology 才附屬多倫多大學, 可以頒授多倫多大學認可的學位, 從此日起, 此君便無得撈矣。
對於12~18,我不知道,過Murdock只是專欄作家不是埃及學者,我卻知道,Massey,His work, which draws comparisons between the Judeo-Christian religion and the Egyptian religion, is not considered significant in the field of modern Egyptology and is not mentioned in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt or similar reference works of modern Egyptology.[3]我卻知道。
你要質疑Gasque 的誠信,我沒資料,我只知他是phd,Kuhn 這個人我不知他是誰,也只是phd,誠信也可能有問題,引的也只是一個 English poet and self-educated Egyptologist Massey,並且 His work, which draws comparisons between the Judeo-Christian religion and the Egyptian religion, is not considered significant in the field of modern Egyptology and is not mentioned in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt or similar reference works of modern Egyptology.