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拉丁美洲第一國 阿根廷通過同性婚姻合法化
2010年7月15日 16:27
阿根廷周四(15日)成為拉丁美洲史上第一個讓同性婚姻合法的國家。這項由女總統費南德茲(Cristina Fernandez)領導的中間偏左政府推動,賦予同性伴侶婚姻權的法案,5月時獲眾議院通過。
執政黨領魁皮契托(Miguel Pichetto.) 說:「這是一個歷史性的日子。」國營電視台對這項有里程碑意義的法案表決過程,進行現場直播。
激進的反對黨參議員莫拉里斯(Gerardo Morales)說,社會已經改變。他強調,該法案目的是為了保障弱勢少數族群的權利。未來「同性夫婦」在社會照顧、繼承、收養等許多方面,都享有跟異性夫妻同樣的權利。
阿根廷成為拉丁美洲第一個讓同性婚姻合法化的國家。在此之前,荷蘭,比利時,西班牙,加拿大,南非,挪威,瑞典,葡萄牙和冰島諸國, 都已通過同性婚姻合法化。
咁教宗連自己國家都失守, 守唔守得住第2綫呢?

烏拉圭參議院通過平等婚姻法 同性婚姻合法化指日可待
2013-04-04 10:40:56  |  來源: 國際線上專稿  |  編輯:王珊  |   發表評論  進入論壇>>
  原標題:烏拉圭參議院通過平等婚姻法 同性婚姻合法化指日可待
  國際線上消息(記者 李宇):當地時間4月2日,烏拉圭參議院投票通過了《平等婚姻法》法案,這意味著烏拉圭即將成為繼阿根廷之後南美洲第二個承認同性婚姻合法的國家。



看你這幾帖, 便知你睇新聞, 看資料實在未夠深入, 正一是知少少便來扮代表。

2010年阿根廷, 甚至是大部份歐美國家所通過的, 不是同性婚姻合法化, 只是通過「公民伴侶關係」法。
兩者實在有不相同地方, 怎樣不同, 留給你自己去發掘。
資料中, 更有說現任教宗方濟在出任阿根廷主教時也有份促使政府通過「公民伴侶關係」法。
save the bullshit to yourself and the vatican.

"But Argentina is the only country in Latin America that has legalized same-sex marriage" -- CNN
http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/04/wo ... -country/index.html

March 10, 2010, a judge in Buenos Aires declared a second same-sex marriage, between Damián Bernath and Jorge Esteban Salazar Capón, illegal.[53] On April 16, a third same-sex marriage between two women was annulled by a judge who ruled that the Buenos Aires Civil Registry limits marriage to a man and a woman.[54][55] Administrative Judge Elena Liberatori later overturned that decision and ruled the marriage between the two women valid, ordering the Civil Registry of Buenos Aires to deliver the marriage certificate to the court.[56]
Following the first legal same-sex marriage in December 2009, seven other same-sex couples were joined in legal matrimony in Argentina before the national law legalizing same-sex marriage took effect at the end of July 2010.[57] The Supreme Court was hearing several cases concerning the right of same-sex couples to marry.[58] On July 2, 2010, some media reported that the Supreme Court had a prepared ruling concerning María Rachid and Claudia Castro's case that declared articles 172 and 188 of the Civil Code unconstitutional.[59][60]

In July 2010, while the law was under consideration, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires (later Pope Francis), wrote a letter to Argentina's cloistered nuns in which he said:[61][62]
In the coming weeks, the Argentine people will face a situation whose outcome can seriously harm the family…At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God's law engraved in our hearts.
Let's not be naive: This is not a simple political fight; it is a destructive proposal to God's plan. This is not a mere legislative proposal (that's just it's form), but a move by the father of lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God… Let's look to St. Joseph, Mary, and the Child to ask fervently that they defend the Argentine family in this moment... May they support, defend, and accompany us in this war of God.http://www.marriageuniqueforareason.org/2013/03/14/pope-francis-i-defender-of-marriage-and-the-family/
As of March 2013, eleven countries (Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden), and several sub-national jurisdictions (parts of Brazil, Mexico, and the United States), allow same-sex couples to marry. Bills allowing legal recognition of same-sex marriage have been proposed, are pending, or have passed at least one legislative house in Andorra, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Nepal, New Zealand, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay as well as in the legislatures of several sub-national jurisdictions (in Scotland as well as parts ofAustralia, Mexico, and the United States).

最陰公阿根係A字頭, 要排第一添
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咦, 阿根唔止same sex結婚, 而家離埋婚添喎. Frankly, what else can u post other than some crap?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/20 ... riage_n_878369.html
由此又產生一個教宗諗唔到嘅問題: 聖教會支唔支持同性離婚呢?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
  總部設在美國的「神職人員猥褻事件受害人網絡」(簡稱 SNAP)發表聲明稱:「在教會歷史中,聖方濟是最偉大的改革家,新教宗方濟也一定要這樣。」
  SNAP 指出,由於天主教會長期包庇及隱瞞神父和其他神職人員的性罪行,或者只是把涉案的神父調往一些不受人注意的教區,教廷一直不改變這項政策,令到數以百萬計的孩童繼續面對危險,很容易遭受有孌童癖的神職人員侵犯。 綜合報道
http://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E4%BD% ... 7%BB-220342969.html

更有說現任教宗慌濟在出任阿根廷主教時也有份促使政府通過「公民伴侶關係」法, 就係指因為佢反對所以促成阿根gay佬婚嘞!
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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