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1-1 ≠ -1+1

其實, 各種宗教用來訂定好人/衰人的標準只不過係次序問題。先做衰人後做好人, 係好人。即是, 本來做衰人後來改過做好人, 咁您就係好人。相反, 先做好人後做衰人, 您就墮落了,係衰人 。

即是咁計, 您本來做賊, 殺咗一個人, 後來悔改, 救咗一個人, 之後您就瓜咗, 雖然其實只係zero sum, 都當係您好人。相反, 您救咗一個人之後落草為寇, 殺咗一個人, ooops, sorry, concluded衰人。但係, 您覺得咁樣計係no problem嘅, 好合理喎。

但若然在數學堂上, 我話您听1-1 同 -1+1 結果係唔同嘅, -1+1係好嘅, 1-1就衰嘞, 點解您又要撓哂頭呢?可見,計清楚尐就会發現其實這種計法係揾丁嘅。

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
這個不問數量只問次序嘅機制其實係起唔到示範作用嘅, 我們只要用逆向思維檢查一下, 便知端的。

譬如, 一個serial killer姦殺咗幾十人, 後來佢收山了, 佢甚至不需救一個人, 以宗教嘅標準佢經已係好人。我見佢咁都得,咁我點解唔去姦殺番10零廿件玩夠先致收山呢?對於姦唔姦殺, 這個示範反而起咗鼓勵作用。

至於貞節牌坊, same thing, 做雞冇所謂, 揾條老襯埋街食井水就得啦, 仲唔趁後生做琵琶仔揾多幾年錢?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details




支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
唔駛10個, Jack the Ripper 都係5個收山, 改過自新
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 5# 沙文

殺5個收皮, 同先做神父, 後殺1個畀人拉去坐電椅比較

[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Schmidt_(priest)]Hans Schmidt[/url]

其實埋數一計, 前者應該大罪過後者。但係, 宗教上就唔係咁計法
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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if  those ones' entire lives can be merely sealed into '1' '+' '-' ' '1' then which greater people's lives can be comprehended into those harder harder maths? i tell you, at that day somehow people always re-want that term 'simply the best'. then xtians always say 'return to 1', buddhists say 'return to 0'. but actually all kinds of maths still exist. if all wanna release then not listen them, no '0', no '1' no '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9' etc, those units.

xtians forget their '1' is merely '1/10' which had been being offered to that shitty ***. xtians scramble '十'呀, '十'呀(吓), but in fact it is just '1/10' 的 '10'. 難道 they wanna steal all 10/10?

buddhists want '0' but  他們的是禪修 不是靈修('0'修)........ 難道他們..... never mind, '0' is circle. the mandala, chakura etc means 'circle'.

but x seemed to use some 'p' shape thing to kill the cycle(circle) of inf#$^irmity. then if x had successfully stolen all '10/10' , and that letter 'p'=16 so 10+16/10+16= 26/26. the letter z is '26' so 26/26 = zen/zen, oh has been being 禪修 again.
You can always use the span for being bad/good guy if you don't bother to do the math.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
好像我第一句惹誤會, 我指:" '1'已能封裝他們. 那麼更深的數應怎樣被譯為誰人的某個微細行動和決斷?". 然後下幾句我棒佛在最後無端端勝了through those numbers.

falling into internal confliction between bad or good is one of xtians's curses too. 如要是 that span 那麼, 只是次元:
0,0 --- 0,1 --- 1,0 --- 1,1
唔係我講這, 人地講這先,

'假壞人'是一些被冤枉, 利用或 spy, 如他在做戲即是'假假壞人', 蓋多層, 變回'真壞人'.

'假好人'是.... no.......怎說...... "又係那條友, 他又會識做這? 無可能, 他怎懂呃全世界架? 有無搞錯, 唔係呀哇... 他只是蓋多層的假假好人, 到頭來應其實是真好人掛.... 但原來他始終是假好人..."

假以時日, 人說: 這和封爵, 封地, label,一樣,  不如回復不判斷啦....

by the way, 民主自由也有其他三元: 自主民由,  自主自由, 民主民由. (做的話不是文字遊戲, 會反效果,不亂試, other parties can do that as well. i'm not supporting any party).
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Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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