Ok just let me play around with English again since Dye is using it...
原帖由 龍井樹 於 2008-4-15 09:57 發表 
中東戰爭、以色列立國,猶太人只是歐美列強的棋子,維持歐美列強在中東等地控制石油生產運送的利益。正如美蘇冷戰時期一樣,中國是美國制衡蘇俄的一隻棋子,中國的經濟開放改革就是在這的背景下令中國走向大國之路。歐美基督 ...
NOPE. Jewish people won't really need their own state and they don't really have the numbers to sustain one. I mean, sorry, but that's pretty much like any "minorities" in China and any European countries. In fact, they lives must have been better in Massachusetts where the liberals will die to protect their rights than in Isreal where every neighbouring people will die to kill them.
If the Europeans truly want to atone their crime against Jews, they should have burned all their anti-Jewish Catholicism and Protestantism (ironically the later gets a better share) down to ground, and prosecute the surviving priests for faning their thousand year onslaught of halocaust.
And NO, that the Jewish people is a race is a mostly a myth. Jewish and Hebrew people had been and still are marrying people across the globe and mixes blood. In fact, Hilter (that's one of the very few reasons why they still survived today admist utter hatred)
And dye's turn.
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 
If you insist.. here is a bit of the problem
Let assume for a moment that US of A let one of their states gain independence and become a Jewish state:
Problem a) Which state? Alaska? Hawaii?
Problem b) Even though the state is Jewish, there are people living on the state already. If the state is chosen on the bible belt, these fellow also hate Jews. Do they need to expell all the inhabitant first and create a hunamitarian disaster? Or do they let the two fight to death on the newly independent country? (Before the independence, the relationship between Jews and Arab is not that bad in Palestine. They have tried initially to create a Palestianian state where the two can live in harmony.)
Problem c) How do they import the Jews procecuted across the globe to that particular state? A lot of them is in Europe, and Russia. Do they cross the ocean to Hawaii? Or cross the artic to Alaska? Or someone get a transport carrier and bring everyone to Carolina?
Problem d) Can/will the Jews feel related to a Israel state in say, Alaska instead of their 'promised land'?
a) China in fact considered giving them a piece of their land. Well, if we had, it would have been a disaster because of the later cultural revolution that screws up effectively everything in the vincinity of Chinese soil. If Cultural Revolution did not happened, though, that would have given us a hell of a political capitol.
b) remember, Alaska, is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, on the Bible Belt. Only that it will be very bad for the Jews to settle there (trade opportunity is slim).
c) Jews did travelled to Isreal from US!
d) The million dollar question is how many of them really cared as long as the land is safe and favorable for development. And now thanks to the US and European fundie rulers in cold war, we'll never know.
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 
The current Israel state is not the best, but the reason behind it is not solely political.
If you were talking about "national security", "need a friend in middle east" ... NO. Things like Treaty of Tripoli have gave the US a MUCH FRIENDIER middle east than Isreal.
But if you were talking about selling the cold war by selling fundamentalism to the public which in turn requires selling anti-Islamic hate, then yes.
原帖由 dye 於 2008-4-15 10:31 發表 
The reality is that Jews in USA is not concentrated enough to make an autonomous region for Jews. If the fellow in Bible belt can vote a state into Christian heaven, so can Jews vote a state into Jewish heaven. The question is do they have the number?
In voting, money can only buy so many vote. USA citizen is no dumber than Chinese or Canadian. What price do you have for your conscience (compare to your income)?
How much (compare to your iincome) does it take to hire you to vote against China interest?
Considering how Bush goes up to stage TWICE by brainless evangelicals singing around bible belt, I've serious doubt about the average intelligence of a citizen of United States. By the way, I came here only because some less than 30% non-fundies were on the other hand, utterly smart.
And is there a price for the conscience of the church? As long as their power is not disrupted, the answer is YES, and in terms of honesty they have shown and still showing a history of the lack of principles. |