原帖由 M2 於 2007-3-19 00:53 發表 
「一次得救、永遠得救」,食一餐飯則飽唔得幾耐。 咦,呢位Dr.話一次打針,永遠異性戀:
Dr. Albert Mohler, A 'Gay' Gene and The 'Cure' for Homosexuality
HUNTINGTON, Conn., Mar. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Friday, Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a man I highly respect, made some very controversial statements in a brilliant article on his blog regarding homosexuality.
Dr. Mohler pointed to research showing that some sheep were homosexual – whether in captivity or in the wild – due to their animalistic behaviors.
Dr. Mohler also suggested that researchers are now using those sheep to find if there is a "gay" gene, and if so, a possible "cure."
He then referred to an article to take science fiction even further, suggesting that if a "gay" gene is found in the animals, Christians better be prepared if one is also discovered in human beings.
Naturally, millions of Bible believing Christians across the country were enraged, yet he even went several steps further.
He discussed the question (not verbatim), "If you knew your baby had the 'gay' gene and you could correct it by eradicating the gene in the womb by a patch or some treatment, would you?"
Homosexual activists cried, "Another holocaust!" fearing now their so-called "race" of people (in their eyes) could possibly be wiped out in the future.
Finally, after enraging almost everyone on both sides of the issue who read his article and the controversy which continued in yesterday's Washington Post, Dr. Mohler also said (not verbatim), "Even if homosexuality was found to have a genetic and biological basis, that still wouldn't change God's view that homosexuality is sin."
The Bible states the eternal destiny for drunkards, adulterers, homosexuals and many other individuals is an eternal place called Hell – yet Dr. Mohler said there is an "escape" for all, referring to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
Stephen Bennett, a former gay man for 11 years, sexually involved with over 100 men, is now happily married to his wife Irene for almost 14 years and the father of their two little children.
Stephen said, "Dr. Mohler's blog post that caused so much controversy – while brilliant – is based on pure speculation, questionable research and science fiction."
Bennett heads several national organizations – Stephen Bennett Ministries, www.SBMinistries.org and www.TheParentsGroup.com to help individuals struggling with unwanted homosexuality – to overcome it – and move on to natural, healthy heterosexuality. His organizations also provide Biblical and practical support for family members, friends and loved ones of same-sex attracted persons. Bennett's statement follows:
[ 本帖最後由 沙文 於 2007-3-20 16:10 編輯 ] |