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由道金斯理性與科學基金會(*)和其他十三個非宗教組織發起,幫助海地重建的募捐行動現已開始,捐款會 100% 達至幫助重建的慈善機構,連 Paypal 的手續費也不會被扣除,捐款會用於資助以下兩所非宗教慈善組織﹕

1. 無國界醫生(Doctors Without Borders) http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/
2. 國際紅十字會(International Red Cross) http://www.icrc.org/



* Richard Dawkins Foundation of Reason and Science
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回復 2# 抽刀斷水

抽 sir 冇問題!飲少兩打啤又喺番度啦!
回復 3# 撻Q猛男

回復 4# 沙文

紅十字會係冇宗教背景,佢改錯名叫沙老大誤會啫,D 醫生有D都係耶徒,咁都係捐俾愛護動物協會最安全!
回復 4# 沙文


http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/tr ... 6261300/6261357.stm

Earthquake survivors get solar-powered bibles

From correspondents in Miami From: Reuters January 19, 2010 12:35PM

AS international aid agencies rush food, water and medicine to Haiti's earthquake victims, a US faith-based group is sending Bibles to Haitians in their hour of need.

Not just any Bible.

These are solar-powered audible Bibles that can broadcast the holy scriptures in Haitian Creole to 300 people at a time.

Called the "Proclaimer," the audio Bible delivers "digital quality" and is designed for "poor and illiterate people", the Faith Comes By Hearing group said.

According to their website, the Proclaimer is "self-powered and can play the Bible in the jungle, desert or ... even on the moon!"

The Albuquerque-based organisation said 600 of the devices were already on their way to Haiti.

It said it was responding to the Haitian crisis by "providing faith, hope and love through God's Word in audio".

With tens of thousands of Port-au-Prince residents living outdoors because their homes have collapsed or they fear aftershocks from last week's quake, the audio Bible can bring them "hope and comfort that comes from knowing God has not forgotten them through this tragedy", the group said.

http://www.news.com.au/breaking- ... rfku0-1225821184929
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