Slut Walk in Costa Rica Deemed "A Success"
A march called "the slut walk", in Costa Rica, was deemed "a success" by participants, protesting a Catholic bishop's speech. Bishop Francisco Ulloa gave a speech about women and their role in society, stating that they should avoid doing "manly tasks," and pay more attention to the household and children. He stated that women's sexuality was for procreation and should not be used for display and he urged women to behave and act with "more
A major Costa Rican newspaper spun the speech with the phrase "women must dress modestly," a phrase Ulloa never used. Because the speech implied that women flaunting their sexuality was the cause of violence, even rape, the protests against the speech and the Catholic Church surged. Carrying signs that read, amongst other things "Jesus Loves Sluts" and "We're Out of the Middle Ages," women of all ages and backgrounds were joined by an almost equal amount of men in a peacefu march through San José. The primary target of the protest was the Church, but violence against women and repressive thinking were targeted as well. As one sign read: "Don't tell me how to dress, tell them not to rape." It is clear that by the public's reaction to the topic and the march itself, that this event will be simply a part of a longer and hopefully productive debate.
http://www.impre.com/la-gente-di ... eId=281474978864166 |