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本帖最後由 哈佛專家 於 2012/3/7 07:21 編輯

The Catholicism and the Protestantism are as the same as not trustworthy.

This is the conclusion made by me after the observation on Mr. Tsang Yum Kuen, Donald and the relationship between the Catholicism and Mr. Tsang Yum Kuen, Donald.

The Catholicism of China should be patriotic, therefore, I am approving of the establishment of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.  It is because the Catholic Church administrated by the Vatican must be anti-patriotic.  In fact, the Catholicism controlled by the Vatican is one of the tools of the Western strong-powers that is used for the invasion towards the China and the rest of Asian countries.
本帖最後由 哈佛專家 於 2012/3/7 07:21 編輯

The example of Tsang Yum Kuen, Donald is not an isolated and special example.  This example indicated that there are some large amount of corrupted persons but in lower scale hiding in the Catholicism.  Perhaps, these bad persons in the Catholicism is appearing in 10% or 20% only.  However, it make the very bad show!!  Moreover, the Cardinal Tong Hon also perform his bad attitude and make the people feeling vomited.  It will recall the memory of the "Reedem Couple" of Catholicism in the Middle Age.

When the scandals of the Catholicism and the Protestantism can be stopped??
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