本帖最後由 liberale 於 2010/12/27 12:07 編輯
抽刀斷水 發表於 2010/12/26 21:43 
房龍,《寬容》 is a quite popular book.
Did you know...房龍,Hendrik Willem van Loon, is a Unitarian Universalist
"In his book, Tolerance, 1925, van Loon asserted, "The human race is possessed of almost incredible vitality. It has survived theology. In due time it will survive industrialism." Although he admitted to an occasional chat with God, whom he pictured as "a sort of beneficent grandfather," van Loon generally had little patience for myths. "There is no Providence. There is no Guidance. No Divine Purpose," he wrote a friend. He insisted, rather, that "we ourselves are responsible for everything we do—no stars, no spooks, no psychic phenomena." This belief fueled his determination to publicize and celebrate the inventions and accomplishments of human beings with evangelical zeal." |