The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons, by Karen Terry et al., prepared by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
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666 發表於 2012/1/28 13:25 
我無講錯, 真是証明你英文爛得緊要!
Of the 4,392 priests who were accused, police were contacted regarding 1,021 individuals and of these, 384 were charged resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; 3,300 were not investigated because the allegations were made after the accused priest had died.
被指控的4392個神職人員中, 有 252個給定罪, 即 6%.
你跟本不懂看英文! |