本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2022/9/27 05:23 編輯
1. 沙勿略致函 ...
- Neill 2004, p. 160: "By another route I have written to your highness of the great need there is in India for preachers... The second necessity which obtains in India, if those who live there are to be good Christians, is that your highness should institute the holy Inquisition; for there are many who live according to the law of Moses or the law of Muhammad without any fear of God or shame before men".
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/9/26 11:14 
我就嚟挑你! 睇吓你點經得起。
我成日都話你分析歷史資料未到家, 只係搵你想睇到既字眼嚟抽水。
- Neill 2004, p. 160: "By another route I have written to your highness of the great need there is in India for preachers... The second necessity which obtains in India, if those who live there are to be good Christians, is that your highness should institute the holy Inquisition; for there are many who live according to the law of Moses or the law of Muhammad without any fear of God or shame before men".
沙勿略建議的宗教審裁, 是針對仍保持猶太教和回教的所謂基督徒 (因為當時話信基督領洗就有唔少著數, 但暗中就仍拜佢地既神)。 唔係針對, 逼當地印度教嚟信教喎。
就拎你用嚟做reference 既網文:
https://www.newindianexpress.com ... isition-809153.html

以你一向作風: 「只睇標題來抽水, 不讀內容」.....唔知你幾時先會醒番少少。
(2)大英百科全書無錯都係幾有權威, 可信既
之不過, 人地只係話:
"However, his actions in India were not without controversy, as he was involved with the establishment of the Goa Inquisition, which punished converts accused of continuing to practice Hinduism or other religions.",
只係'involved'...你就吹到, 誇張到佢係主持人, 掌門, 幕後黑手, 外國勢力咁囉.
仲有呀,,,講明係punish converts accused of continuing to practice Hinduism or other religions...
唔係去審其他宗教既人啵 |