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本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2011/11/11 14:38 編輯
回復  beebeechan

You said:
(Homo sapian is not the only intelligence ever exist on earth, the others has just gone extinct)

I said:
Tell me what that intelligent speices called?

and you said:
For example,
H. neanderthalensis

dye 發表於 2011/11/11 12:28

How do you know the Neanderthals were as wise as homo sapiens? Did you perform an IQ test on a living Neanderthal?
Least you forget, dogs are evolved from wolf.

dye 發表於 2011/11/11 12:26

As evolutionists said, on the evolution tree, there must be at one time, fish and canine have a common ancestor.
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