本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2016/2/4 03:12 編輯
你要質疑,就用了嚴謹態度喇。Your turn now.
抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/4 00:51 
你想嚴謹, 我就同你謹一謹
這位 Scott 專家的料來源, 原來都是維基咁大把!
以維基當水泡的, 專家極都有限哩! (你已經好「專家」哩)
There is a slightly different top ten here (but it also does not include AA): http://www.ipl.org/div/farq/bestsellerFARQ.html
There is another top ten list here (again, it doesn't include AA): http://uk.askmen.com/toys/top_10_60/62_top_10_list.html
Only about 22 million copies of AA have been sold, according to this press release: http://utahvalleyaa.org/index8.html.
三個都不相同架啵 |