本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/11/23 00:39 編輯
The Netherlands control of the Islands did not happen until 17th century, the person who happened to be saying something like "How can Spaniards be killing people in Netherlands territory" really should either go back to high school for a history class or ... just fix his/her own integrity problem.
Nomad 發表於 2010/11/22 16:56 
The Antilles refers to a group of islands : Curacao, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarteen and Saba. You are right, the Dutch seized them from the Spanish in the 16th century.
This group of islands together make up less 960 sq km, not even as large as Hong Kong.
In 1495, the Spanish captured 500 Arawaks from the Antilles and shipped them to Europe as slaves. How come this was exaggerated to become:
用最殘酷的死刑和武力脅迫當地土著皈依基督教,並接受西班牙國王的統治,拒不服從者,立刻被屠殺。安的列斯島原有三百萬 印第安人, 1514 年減至 14000 人,最後只剩下 200 人。
What kind of economy could have supported a population of 3 million on these islands back in the 15 century?
3 million was a very huge popualtion larger than the population of London, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon.. in the mother country.
Today, the population of Antilles is no more than 200,000。
I would rather be a person who could make a mistake in history than be a person like you that is totally out of common sense. |