本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2017/2/7 01:32 編輯
澳洲神父性侵兒童嚴重 60年逾4400人受害
02月06日(一) 11:52
澳洲皇家委員會調查國內神職人員涉嫌性侵的 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2017/2/6 16:55 
當有d 人特別關注 4444個受害人, 7%的神父涉性侵, 可以用來妖魔化了神父, 教會, 梵蒂崗, 教宗....等的時候
我比較關注是項「調查」是否用了客觀的, 準確的資料來得出這個數字和結論.
當調查委員會在發佈會中大 呻:
“Children were ignored or worse, punished. Allegations were not investigated. Priests and religious [brothers] were moved. The parishes or communities to which they were moved knew nothing of their past,” she said. “Documents were not kept or they were destroyed. Secrecy prevailed as did cover-ups.”
又是否暗示了調查只是聽取了一面之詞, 没有實據的投訴而得出來的數字。 |