本帖最後由 jimmychauck 於 2023/8/5 06:52 編輯
回覆 431# leefeng
the responsibility to bring peace and stability to a place, lies with the governing body. With the local majority angrily demanding reasonable resolutions, a.k.a the 5 demands. Its the government responbility to give in to the demands, thats the only way to control it. The anger is induced by government action, it is absurd and irresponsibile [also hypocritical] to ask the population to control it.
according to BBC, these violences only became apparent after 7.21, showing the exact cause.
[Oh you are so welcomed to skip those, they are not for glass hearted kids]
4 years of history have proved, up until now, not a single police had been charged [despite obvious cases of police brutality and torturing], numerous protestors had been charged
all the polices had been granted amnesty,
jimmychauck 發表於 2023/7/29 07:13
Were you in Hong Kong? Were you able to have first hand news? No you weren't. But I was.
Told you you were not able to answer any rebuttal I have raised to your clips, if you would have read, and attempted to answer, you wouldn't appear so seven and ignorant.
You piece of trash of trash, can't even answer trash, how trashy of you, it really shows how your quoted youtube clips are simply trash and by extention probably most of your mumble jumble about Christianity. |