好似麻甩佬咁, 搞完一野, 抖抖....又起過。
雖第二炮無第一炮咁激....都可以XX迭起架喎 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2022/9/28 21:46 
Inquistion banned by Marques De Pombal
The liberal minister of Portugal Marquez de Pombal, as a result of a measure of reform passed in September, 1774, rendered the Inquisition practically defunct and it was finally abolished in 1820.
He abolished slavery in Portugal and in the Portuguese colonies in India; reorganized the army and the navy; and ended discrimination against different Christian sects in Portugal.
Banning of religious Christian orders in Goa & Portugal
Most importantly, He also banned the various religious orders in Portugal which he felt had too much influence & power. Also their corruption & manipulation of the economy.
The same happened in Goa. ( These were the driving force for the inquisition) and at one time had more power than the viceroy or King.
These religious orders could have even put the Viceroy of Portuguese India or even the king on trial if they felt compelled.
https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-history-of-the-Goan-Inquisition |