原帖由 沙文 於 2008-2-17 21:24 發表 
呀弱雞兄您唔駛咁心急答佢 -- 佢太心急啦,問得太早。
點得ka? 對女仔要好D ah ma...仲有, 唔駛叫"兄"la. 我年年18歲ka..
回復 3# 的帖子
1. people are foolish in this area. (despite how you phrased your sentence....)
Exactly what I want to say. The lengthy words is not simply phrasing the same statement. They do have different literal meanings.
Ideas such as "the world is flat" is regarded as foolish today because you now know that the world is round. But to the people living in the time when scientists hadn't discovered this fact, this idea was not a foolish one. I'd say, only those stubborn folks who refused to accept the likelihood of another shape of the world, were foolish.
This also applies to people believing God today. As no one knows the truth(like in the past people had no idea about the true shape of the world), I think no one can say they are foolish simply because they choose to believe.
Well......Believing that the world is flat shows that the people are foolish in this sense. The people maybe very smart in many other aspects, but in this, they are foolish in the sense that they choose a wrong believe, by accepting wrong "evidences".
By the way, I believe (without any ground) that God (singular, or plural) exist, but it must not be the Christian God. There is a deductive "evidence": There could not be a "全能"being, as shown in the stone argument (Can God create a stone that he can't lift?)
On the other hand, I think it is something interesting to conduct a survey about. After all, we can't know other's reason in choosing certain religion...
[ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-2-17 22:11 編輯 ] |