原帖由 Guest from 123.2.245.x 於 2008-9-6 00:45 發表 
i believe in the bible because its not absurdities.. so i'll not commit atrocities.. ...
Most probably, before your conversion into a Christian, if someone told you that killing babies, children and animals were justified, you would dismiss that as absurd.
But now you have well accepted such actions as described in the Bible.
So someone might have convinced you of such absurdity.
Once convinced of absurdities, I cannot see how you would not be convinced further from committing atrocities when situation demands.
Ask yourself the following question.
Suppose now is the End of the World, the sinners have to be destroyed. Jesus comes back and leading an army to fight the Anti-Christ, Satan, the devils and their followers. You are honorably selected as a fighter for God and Jesus.
Your God ask you to kill all the non-believers that you know, including family members who can be your parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, those whom you love, friends, ... etc, because being non-believers and sinners, they are effectively followers of the Anti-Christ and should be punished by everlasting torment. In fact you have to push them into hell by yourselves to show your faith.
Would you do it?
Can you pass this great test to show that your are truly faithful to your God?
It is very easy for you folks to curse non-believers to be punished forever, to be burnt forever in fire and brimstone in hell. But it would be a different matter if you map familiar faces and names into these poor creatures in everlasting torment.
Next time when you curse, think of these faces and ask yourself the question that I present to you: would you do it?
Absurdity --> atrocity
That is a hard lesson learnt from history.
[ 本帖最後由 ctaya 於 2008-9-8 21:00 編輯 ] |