原帖由 酒井明 於 2007-7-11 07:42 發表 
在我心目中,潘國森不過是個讀過很多書的維園阿伯,所以坊間很現實地,只餘一個角落讓他發洩。關啟文呢,肉體活於現代,可是心靈仍活在中世紀。吳志森則是個愛辯論的人,個人是蠻喜歡他的作風,不過但覺未夠陶傑厲害;反而我比較欣賞 ...
I think 吳志森 is quite OK.
As for 李偉儀, have disagreed with her in some issues, and don't see her as being advanced. But I do appreciate her standing with the CU students newspaper, and that's about it.
As for being a feminist, 李偉儀 is not advance enough. |