數月前我做dacryocystorhinostomy手術。手術前要見anesthesiologist,過磅度BP等等,問咗一輪,功德圓滿,醫生問“Do you have any questions?”我諗唔到有咩好問,就問:
"what is your reception girl's name?"
佢黑口黑面“Go home, she's mine.”
I took his advice. 返屋企途中我諗到,笨7咗嘞!雖然我思考嘅方向係啱嘅,佢問我有冇嘢問,冇話問題要同手術有關,但係我就只係諗到問一個at that moment有興趣的問題,而唔記得咗一個多年來深藏心底嘅疑問. And he is the right person for my question.
最關鍵問題係:點解麻醉劑可以麻醉埋靈魂?What I actually mean is, 麻醉劑應該係影響身體physical方面,而靈魂係spritual方面,我唔明兩者如何connect, 以致麻醉劑的藥力撈過界。
到手術嗰朝早,我入手術室,的確見到佢同手術醫生,我打個招呼先,打完就想問問題,點知有個靚護士行埋黎,睇下我bracelet確認身份,可能佢又小心得滯,再問清楚“Mr Sha, it is the left eye we're operating on, correct?”
見到靚女我嘅衰靈魂又發作,忍不住撩佢一句“I should have make a tattoo here for you, save you guys from another medical lawsuit.”此時醫生揸支唔知乜劃我隻眼“Here comes your tattoo.”
anesthesiologist可能嫌我多口, 報仇咁報shut me up. 佢喺我先前已插住的IV喉搞一搞,我馬上眼前一黑,暫時犯唔到罪。原來只要將麻醉藥駁落IV就即刻見效,唔駛3、4秒!
梗係雞同鴨講喇, 你啲定義係自己老作出嚟嘅
UK /səʊl/ US /soʊl/
soul noun (SPIRIT)
B2 [ C ]
the spiritual part of a person that some people believe continues to exist in some form after their body has died, or the part of a person that is not physical and experiences deep feelings and emotions
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
everybody has spirit?
Yes, according to Catholic doctrine, every person has a spirit, which is the deepest part of our being and enables us to be in relationship with God. The spirit is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit, and it is through the spirit that we can know God and communicate with him through prayer and worship.
The spirit is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit
如果我嘅spirit邪氣, 都係佢整㗎啫, 關我叉事
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details