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1. 好在我份工好他條


太11:28  凡勞苦擔重擔的人、可以到我這裡來、我就使你們得安息。

回覆 2# beebeechan
因為我國有minimum wages. 所以佢咁呼召,我無法build up身份認同。或者第日有機會轉行做泥工,咁就有可能信主。
係呀, 建造業興旺就會較多人信主
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
2. 教會嘅資源始終有限。
譬如話慕道班座位咁先算啦, 如果我佔咗一個座位,咁就少咗一個位畀旁觀者、lefeng、抽都斷水三位,或者其他任何慕道網友都失卻了信主的機會。即是咁,將來排隊領聖體,條隊都會長咗,神父晏咗收工,服務時間又會太長,不免會影響服務素質。所以,任何排隊領聖體的人,你都係剝奪別的教友接受教會優質服務的機會。
我剝削咗佢哋,佢哋因此而少咗機會親近基督道理, 將來佢哋落地獄,豈不是畀我累嘅? 咁我情何以堪呢?
所以我犧牲自己, 將呢個機會留畀佢哋。唔信, 其實係基督精神的體現。

Jhn 15:13 人若為自己的朋友捨掉性命,再沒有比這更大的愛情了。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

靠敕法解決問題的時代已過曬氣好耐啦,1st century以來的教宗,有邊個識法術嘅?仲講什麽5餅3魚?
就算係方舟時代,不潔動物都只限一pair. 方舟capacity係有limitation嘅。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

冇實物進行試驗, 你點樣證明夠唔夠坐

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
其實隻爛鬼方舟唔係好大隻咋嘛, 大把船大過佢, 世界最大貨櫃船 seawise giant 長458.45m, 長過方舟3.5倍, 佢都唔夠膽話無限載貨量https://www.woodenmodelboat.com/model/woodpro/all/seawise_giant.htm#:~:text=She%20was%20launched%20in%201981,square%20meters%20and%2046%20tanks.

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
futhermore, 天主計呢條公乸數係唔啱嘅, 可以睇出, 經上記載的整個plan其實係一個頭腦簡單嘅寫經佬諗出嚟

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
BTW, 咁多年嚟教會明知道一定唔夠坐, 所以一直唔夠膽進行方舟實測試驗, 只能夠cheap cheap地紙上談兵。 其實呢隻嘢差唔多只係USS Gerald R. Ford嘅一半左右, 點可能裝得曬全球一公一乸動物
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
呢條作經佬根本第一唔識造船, 第二唔知全球究竟有幾多動物 species
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁經上邊一句講"唔係講緊嗰隻實物既船。是講「要聽話, 要快啲上船」?"
要聽話最多都係七公七乸, 冇話入幾多都得喎,


唔係講緊嗰隻實物既船做L乜嘢要有300x30x50blue print?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
nomatter今日條方丹佔地幾多公頃, 教堂啲位就係得咁多, 夾硬jut夾硬多啲人入去, 好似消防條例唔畀㗎喎?

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
其實真相就係, 貴教發覺真係喺capacity方面斷正, 諗唔掂唯有改口話唔係講實物嗰隻船。
係咪畀我講中呢? 認咗佢唔使怕醜㗎
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
beebeechan 發表於 2024/5/20 07:18

其實,不論點樣typo. 改變唔到“我加入教會就會分薄咗其他教友接受服務的素質”這個現實。尤其係規定有one on one時段的天主教。我嘅罪又大又多,告解必定長氣,咁我一告解就5粒鐘起碼,最耐試過18粒鐘馬拉松告解。教友們打曬蛇餅,神父想暗示叫我講快啲但我講一陣又喊一陣.....

您以為沙文好似第尐2打6反基,畀您帶住遊一輪花園就當冇嘢?哈哈哈,next time try harder.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
告解五粒鐘, 扑野五分鐘
beebeechan 發表於 2024/5/21 06:50

foreplay好多嘢玩, 唔夠時間玩唔曬
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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