Medieval Christians believed the pentagram to symbolise the five wounds of Christ. The pentagram was believed to protect against witches and demons (the application of the pentagram is similar to that of Occultists who use it as protection against spirits during invocation and banishing rituals) , e.g. The painting 'Christ as a Pentagram', from Valeriano Bolzani's Hieroglyphica (Basel, 1556), seen below.
「另一方面,我只好盡量去想些五角星的好處......有了,沙文不是提過,基督五傷跟辟邪劍譜一樣可以辟邪嗎?( The pentagram was believed to protect against witches and demons)我明天提出,用國旗代替八卦鏡,行不行?」
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
"The pentagram has long been associated with the planet Venus, and the worship of the goddess Venus, or her equivalent. It is also associated with the Roman word lucifer, which was a term used for Venus as the Morning Star, associated with the bringer of light and knowledge. It is most likely to have originated from the observations of prehistoric astronomers.[3] When viewed from Earth, successive inferior conjunctions of Venus plot a nearly perfect pentagram shape around the zodiac every eight years.[4]"
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details