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我都係鬼啦, 佢成日話我冤氣鬼
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
the moral life of Christians係聖神照住, spirit就係人都有
“Soul” when distinguished from “spirit” means that which gives life to a body. “Spirit” when contrasted with “soul” simply means those aspects of human life and activity that transcend our bodily limitations and so open the soul toward the supernatural life of grace. As the Church adds, “‘Spirit’ signifies that from creation man is ordered to a supernatural end and that his soul can be raised beyond all it deserves to communion with God” (no. 367).
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
靈魂差不多係所有宗教consensus, (應該冇宗教認為冇靈魂卦?)雖然佛教有不同名目,用嚟投胎的係第八識阿賴耶識,道教又話3魂,天魂地魂人魂,7魄係:尸狗、伏矢、雀陰、吞賊、飛毒、除穢、臭肺,以致於陳大媽比較簡潔的靈係乜,魂又係乜。
佛教的輪迴理論繼承自婆罗门教, 希臘亦都有輪迴理論, 但我唔知道兩者有冇互相影響的關係。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metempsychosis
有時會聽見一些輪迴的故仔, 雖然而言之鑿鑿, 但係難以用客觀證據證實, 只可以當故仔聽。

輪迴理論認為靈魂十分環保, 可以recycle, 基督教就認為人人出世都有一個新靈魂,我唔係太清楚其他宗教的靈魂details係點, 相信都只係不出這兩個methods。
除了spirit,soul,ghost之外大概還有anima, atman,pneuma. 其中一些未必有宗教上的意義。

但係我唔知邊個宗教有解釋靈魂點樣同身體connect,coresponse,coordinate, connection的具體操作如何進行?靈魂離開身體之後點樣吸取能量, 吸取乜嘢能量用嚟運作其思考或者其他活動功能?

例如我嘅遭遇, 點解麻醉劑可以麻醉埋我個靈魂, 我真係唔明。

唔明就梗係要研究啦, 但至今嗰啲什麼諾貝爾得獎科學家, 全部都未 prove/disprove靈魂呢樣嘢。

曾經有科學家做過靈魂實驗, 但係未能被科學界接受。
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21 ... tion%20within%20the,that%20it%20weighs%2021%20grams.

我很誠懇地, 除了捐贈性器官之外, 亦都慷慨無私地捐出我的靈魂作科學研究, 但係我唔知道邊個institute或者university有興趣。
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 49# 抽刀斷水
你捽下捽下, 我畀三個願望你

我搵到本網有器官捐贈嘅link, 我可以登記捐性器官, 但係冇靈魂嘅link, 請問方唔方便加埋呢?

解離性身分疾患(Dissociative Identity Disorder,DID),其特徵是解離性失憶(dissociative amnesia)和身份認同轉變(identity alteration),患者出現兩個以上明顯不同的身份或人格部份,就有如「在一個身體裡住著不同的人」。

係唔係因為一個身體入面有好多過靈魂?例如耶穌叫雞叫到抹大拉的馬利亞, 身上有7隻鬼

今次係小丑做耶穌, 應該好好睇

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

不過抹大拉的馬利亞都唔算犀利, 一個人有100個靈魂都係閒閒地, 耶穌好唔得閒

  https://www.theguardian.com/life ... h-100-personalities

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
點會唔捐得呀, 賣都得啦
不過我賣,你又未必買得起, 你offer幾多呀,即管開個價

P.S. 捐贈性器官有proviso clause: 唔捐畀你, 因為我希望receiver能夠善用佢
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
佛教都唔認為有靈魂, 佢想賣都冇得賣
你話畀我聽邊本佛經話過有靈魂, 靈魂的梵文係乜嘢?

最接近不過係ātman巴利文atta 自我
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
我冇剃度, 你最多都係要求我居士戒

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
在家戒冇話唔準人賣末那識阿賴耶識, right
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
除咗你噏得好明顯之外, 我唔知點樣明顯法
而且我又唔係買賣靈魂, 我係無私捐贈作為科學研究之用
靈魂法布施, 研究成功大家就可以明白靈魂的性質, 生命就更有意義
性器官更加係無畏佈施,可令身體殘缺的人重獲新生   阿彌陀佛

如果佢得到我嘅神器, 一日玩幾多次都得啦
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
激到你涅槃, 功德無量
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
如果係佛教嘅theory, 我做唔到 Rockefeller個仔係因為我前世縱慾過度, OK我認命

但係如果係基督教, 每個靈魂都係brand new, 咁我條氣就唔順喇. 天主委派邊個靈魂畀邊個做仔係根據乜嘢標準呢? 做乜L天主唔畀我做Paul Getty個仔?


Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁多人梗有一個啱做我老豆, 呢位就夠好啦,又夠英偉

天主冇心機幫我揀, 求其沙通天
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 74# beebeechan
唔怪之得pew predicted醫屍難追過頭指日可待
回覆 75# 逃出魔幻紀
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