潛48ft很常有,depth係depends on the dive site, not how deep you want to be.我哋唔會特別中意deep diving. 同人生一樣,too short.
ps 您個反基friend提過頭痛,係因為佢經常violates dive table, 係比較不嚴重的DCS symptom. 繼續跟佢就祝您天主保佑
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
I've seen tiger shark, bull shark, 2 of the 3 most vital sharks. But not the most deadly great whites.
hammerheads have small mouths, believed to be friendly.
I’ve been enjoying scuba diving for nearly 4 decades. Now I’m trying to give back to the sport. Is it boring? Sometimes, yes. But eventually, looking at the boys/girls blowing bubbles in the water, it’s worth everything.
I hope this helps.
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details