To Discuss "神是愛", beside we need to define what the God and Love's are,
assume: The common ground is Bibe - King James old Version so that God and Love are from Bible... is it correct?
Now we can go for a good start:
神的愛是指"無條件 (加爾文 Unconditional Love - Calvinism )" 還是 有條件 (阿民念 Conditional Love- Arminiusm" 的愛. 是普遍恩典(Prevenient Grace)還是 不能抗拒的恩典(Irresistible grace). or part of " uncondtional" and " conditional", or you don't know...
what mean " unconditional love" and " prevenient Grace. ? any example? You said that you suppose that means .... Are you sure or just you just guess?
Hey my friend, "神是愛" is very tough topic. Are you sure what it mean?
Just like for example ...John 3:16 ...For God so loved the world.
Why Bible says God love "the world", not "all people" , "some people", or " people"...but " the world"...
"I suppose..." because I never investigate on this particular topic... so this is my best guess.
Regarding on John 3:16, I think in this particular situation, "the world" means "all people". However, I think too inflexible in the choice of word is meaningless on understanding the actual truth (main theme) a sentence is trying to promote.
回復 29#出位基督徒
We can use Jonn 3:16 " For God so loved the world ..." as an example to exam if God 's love are " unconditional (無條件) " and " prevenient grace (普遍恩典)"
First, you said " the world" means " all people ". then why in Bible not just say " all people"? " the world" obviously are different with " all people"
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - King James Version.
Q1: " whoever believes in him" is it a condtion to get everlasting life? If yes, " whoever believes in him" is it a condtion to get God 's Love? how to prove God 's love is unconditional?
Q2: " prevenient grace" should be for all men kinds including, bady, young kidds, old men, adults...... ; however, per John 3:16, only believers in him have everlasting life. why only for " whoever believes in him"can qualify to get the grace? are you sure it is prevenient?
As I've said, too inflexible in the choice of words is meaningless. "The world" does mean "all people" here. Please do not narrow your view too much to the wording. I'll give you an example:
Today is raining cats and dogs.
From the above, can you say actual cats (mewo) and dogs (woofh) are falling from from the sky? Obviously not. From the context we can "understand" this sentence is trying to say, "Today is raining hard." Now can you still ask "Why must one says 'raining cats and dogs' but not 'raining hard', 'cats and dogs' obviously are different then 'hard'? Please think about it.
Q1: "whoever believes in him" is a condition yes. A condition to have sins be forgiven. NOT a condition to God's love.
Q2: Only believers in him have "everlasting life"... not "grace (in general)". Matthew 5:45, "... for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." Are these grace not, to the evil and the unjust?
"too inflexible in the choice of words is meaningless" 為什麽沒有意義呢? 你不是認為聖經都是神所默示的嗎? 你不知道" 差之毫氂,繆之千里" 的道理嗎? 你覺得 在 john 3:16 "世界( the world)" = "全人類 ( all people)". 有何理據呢? 請說明. 神很愛"這世界"或"祂所屬的世界"與神愛"全人類"是兩碼子事. 這完全是不同的神學覲.
你也覺得可能是比喻( like Today is raining cats and dogs) 而不是字面的意思 , 請証明一下, 可以嗎? 請不要你覺得"是", 那就"是"! 不要忘記 John 3:16 是神的宣告, 可以用比喻嗎? 對象是法利賽人嗎? 呀對, 似乎四福音裡, 神即耶穌對 法利賽人又像是沒有了"普遍恩典(prevenient grace)".....anyway, 太遠了...
Q1:"A condition to have sins be forgiven. NOT a condition to God's love." 不是很矛盾嗎? 似乎你覺得神也愛永遠沉淪的人.... 十分奇怪? 莫非這就是"愛是恆久忍耐"?
Q2 恩典 ( grace ) 是包括 普通 (in general) 和特殊 ( in particular) , 得救 ( 得永生) 這是指向著恩典內的特殊部份. 我看不到他的普遍牲 (prevenient) , 就是法利賽人或文士己經反映出恩典的不普遍性!
"too inflexible in the choice of words is meaningless" 為什麽沒有意義呢?
是沒有意義。聖經的確係神的默示。神已經透過保羅講過,不要在言語上爭論,因為這是沒有益處的。這裏所指的言語就是"words"。我知道" 差之毫氂,繆之千里" 的道理,但係神已經講過在言語上爭論是沒有益處。God loves the world 就係指 神愛世人。不論理據如何,神學觀如何,也不需要爭論,因為神已經說了這是沒有益處。
Today is raining cats and dogs 不是一個比喻 (metaphor),是一個文學上的用詞選擇 (choice of words)!分清楚二者的分別。