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性侵85男童 法前神父囚五年

法國羅馬天主教前神父普雷納(Bernard Preynat,圖)涉1971至1991年擔任童軍領袖期間性侵多名男童軍一案,法院前天判他罪成監禁五年,其代表律師透露他正考慮上訴。



由於前里昂教區總主教巴巴林(Philippe Barbarin)被指對普雷納的惡行知情不報,令案件牽涉教會高級神職人員,引起更廣泛關注。

https://hk.appledaily.com/intern ... 7ED2BMFBSLQTHURMHU/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1335# beebeechan

香港黑衣暴徒都差唔多, 唔好得去邊。
五大訴求不獲回應, 都堵路, 放火, 砸商埸地鐵站哩

不滿祈禱未獲回應 男子向聖母畫像擲石
破壞過程被教堂的閉路電視錄下,玻璃罩下的宗教藝術品「瓜達盧佩聖母像」(Our Lady of Guadalupe)輕微損毀,職員已在上面覆蓋防水布遮蓋,估計損失130美元(約1013港元)。

https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/amen ... 0229_00972_001.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
天主教性侵醜聞!阿根廷2神父性侵聾童 共犯竟逾10人

根據《BBC》 報導,這起醜聞發生在阿根廷門多薩省的教會學校,霍拉西奧科巴喬(音譯,Horacio Corbacho)和尼古拉科拉迪(音譯,Nicola Corradi),2名神父被控從2004年到2016年對校內聾人兒童進行性侵、性虐待,參與該案的還有校內園丁阿曼多戈麥斯(Armando Gomez)。此案發生地點正是天主教會教宗方濟各的故鄉,外界紛紛大力抨擊教會對於此案過於緩慢的處理速度。


消息曝光後,大約有20人21日至梵蒂岡信理部(Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith)所在的建物前抗議;他們手舉「零容忍」、「勿忘此案」等標語,呼籲教廷重視類似的事件持續發生,除了本案受害者及家屬,受害者的律師及他案受害者也到場聲援。

國際非政府組織「終止神職人員虐待(Ending Clerical Abuse,ECA)」發言人伊斯里(Peter Isely)控訴,阿根廷的教會官員,根本未就此案與阿根廷民事機構(civil authorities)及檢察官合作。ECA認為,教宗方濟各和梵蒂岡仍不足以使主教和天主教會其他成員對掩蓋性虐待一事負責。


https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A4 ... A%BA-140428153.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
最初即是老appapp, 最末就係包尾。今次經上記得幾中肯
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2020/2/25 00:50 編輯
耶穌都畀好L多人信完信剩,唔係處嘅, 您米L信吖笨
沙文 發表於 2020/2/25 00:23

    經上說耶穌是: 我是『阿耳法』和『敖默加』,最初的和最末的,元始和終末。
耶穌是過往, 現在, 未來........歷久常新既,
所以, 無『信完信剩』
耶穌都畀好L多人信完信剩,唔係處嘅, 您米L信吖笨
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
您冇幾何食就以為雞鮑趐, 燕窩
我地睇呢尐新聞好平常, 周度都得
沙文 發表於 2020/2/25 00:08

你呢啲, 係人地食過哂既..... eewwww!
您冇幾何食就以為雞鮑趐, 燕窩
我地睇呢尐新聞好平常, 周度都得
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
冇人睇就唔会有news agency報道啦
沙文 發表於 2020/2/24 23:32

你係到貼, 即係在food court賣雞鮑趐, 燕窩
想食既人唔會嚟food court 囉


Gospel for Asia Settles Lawsuit with $37 Million Refund to Donors

after three years in court, Gospel for Asia (GFA) announced yesterday that it would pay $37 million and a board seat to settle a class-action lawsuit.

One of America’s largest ministries—in 2013 alone, it brought in about $93.8 million—GFA faced two lawsuits accusing it of sending only 13 percent of its donations to the field instead of the oft-promised 100 percent.

The first of those lawsuits was dismissed so it could go to arbitration. Then its plaintiffs were included in the second lawsuit—along with about 200,000 others who donated between January 2009 to September 2018—when the suit switched to a class action in the fall.

In the settlement, the plaintiffs and GFA agree that “all donations designated for use in the field were ultimately sent to the field.”

“Gospel for Asia is essentially refunding donations,” stated spokesperson Johnnie Moore. (Or at least a portion of donations—the class action originally asked for $376 million.)

“The ministry hopes that those who receive these funds will simply turn around and donate the same amount of money to another worthwhile ministry,” Moore stated. “[GFA’s] desire is only for the Lord’s work to be done.”

Approximately 200,000 past donors to GFA will be eligible to receive a portion of the $37 million settlement, after court and attorney fees.

The amount was only 10 percent of what the plaintiffs asked for, but “I feel good,” said plaintiffs’ attorney Marc Stanley. “We also got significant reforms.”

One of those is a seat at the board for plaintiff Garland Murphy, a doctor who along with his wife gave $8,922 to GFA in 2012 based on its “100% Guarantee.” Another reform is taking away a board seat from founder K. P. Yohannan’s wife Gisela and replacing her with a person approved by both Yohannan and Murphy.

No new board members related to Yohannan may join the board for the next three years. And the board will add a subcommittee—which will include Murphy but not Yohannan or his son Daniel Punnose—which will file regular reports to the court for three years.

Those reports will track how well GFA is doing in complying with its promises to train the board in its obligations, to publish annual reports, and to make clear to donors that it “retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves ministry purposes.”

Part of Murphy’s complaint was that GFA’s loose bookkeeping—“millions of hard copy” receipts were spread across its partners in India—hid the fact that money purportedly raised for water buffaloes or “Jesus wells” wasn’t actually spent on those things. GFA contended that all of the money made it to the field, but “there was no guarantee” the money “would be used for its exact designated purpose,” according to court documents.

GFA will also “attempt to comply” with all Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) guidelines, according to the settlement. In 2015, GFA was kicked out of the organization it helped found after ECFA concluded that GFA misled donors, mismanaged resources, had an ineffective board, and violated most of the accountability group’s core standards.

“The fact of the matter is that Gospel for Asia did not act fraudulently, and all the donations they received made it to the field,” Moore stated. “The agreement to settle was, in part, precipitated by a concern that the ministry could [not] continue to bear the weight of defending itself. Class action lawsuits are enormous burdens for large, for-profit companies. So, one needs just to imagine the weight of an action like this against a not-for-profit organization.

“The good news is that the lessons learned from this burdensome series of events will make the ministry stronger,” he stated.

But first it’ll make GFA poorer. The nonprofit will pay $26 million within 30 days and raise the rest within a year, according to the settlement—with its Texas headquarters on the hook as collateral.

And that money can’t come from donations designated for something else.

The plaintiffs “recognize that funds payable … were donated to GFA-USA for use in the field,” the settlement said. Those obligations have to be paid first, and GFA’s “field partners will provide documentation that all such designations were satisfied.”

“To the extend the funds [to pay off the lawsuit] … are raised through donations,” the settlement states, “they shall be raised through solicitations for general ministry purposes.”

“For three long years, our ministry wondered more often than I’d like to admit if we would survive this ordeal,” stated Yohannan. “… I’m most proud of the fact that we managed to continue to serve those in need even as we fought every day to survive ourselves.”

https://www.christianitytoday.co ... -refund-donors.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
冇人睇就唔会有news agency報道啦

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
咁很長既貼文, 你以為會有人睇......你就係無網絡常識
你知無人會睇, 你仲貼, ......你就係好多銀餘!!
Test of faith
The charity Gospel for Asia asks people to donate to foreign families in need. But some former GFA members say the money is going somewhere else.

By Angela MacIvor

February 23, 2020

Cody Carnine crouches on the ground with a handful of pecans and the widest smile as he calls out to a dozen chickens on his farm in Canton, Texas.

He says a simple task like feeding animals is something he and his wife, Ingrid, couldn’t enjoy five years ago.

"We feel freedom to live our lives as normal people, and not feeling like we have to follow," said Carnine.

Day by day, Carnine and his family are piecing their lives back together. They can’t afford to build a house right now, so they live in what they call the "shop" on their pecan tree farm.

From the outside, it looks like a small retrofitted shipping container. Inside are two cluttered main rooms, a bathroom and bedroom separated from the kitchen by a single burgundy curtain. The children climb up ladders to get to their makeshift bunks in the rafters.

Carnine admits it’s a far cry from the lifestyle the family enjoyed while he was a senior leader at Gospel for Asia. GFA is more than a charity — it’s a Christian organization that people serve, and members usually leave their church and, in many cases, friends behind to live near other staff and become completely entrenched in the day-to-day work of GFA.

The organization raises money for various items, such as chickens, goats, blankets and so-called Jesus wells intended to help remote villages in India and surrounding countries. Monthly missionary and children sponsorships are also popular contributions.

Donors often choose where to put their money by selecting from the annual Christmas catalogue, similar to what Plan Canada or World Vision mails out every year. Glossy magazines and a syndicated radio program — presented by GFA leader K.P. Yohannan on many Christian radio stations — also help promote the charity’s work abroad.

"When you see one thing, but you believe in another — that's the world I lived in near the end."
In 2005, the Carnine family sold their home and a successful construction business in Oregon to move to Texas with their four children. Over the next decade, they took a drastic pay cut and fundraised their own salary in order to serve GFA.

They even opted out of paying social security taxes, while still managing to donate thousands back to the cause they believed in wholeheartedly.

Cody Carnine on his family's pecan farm in Canton, Texas. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Cody Carnine on his family's pecan farm in Canton, Texas. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)

Carnine was in charge of development and high-profile donations in the U.S. That meant he worked directly with the people, mostly church leaders, who spent thousands each month on Gospel for Asia’s missions overseas. Carnine even took donor groups on "vision tours" to India in an effort to showcase where their money was being spent.

For decades, GFA has been active in Canada as well. It continues to raise on average $25,000 a day in this country alone. The charity has strong supporters across North America who continue to contribute funds that they believe are being well used.

But over the course of a year-long investigation, CBC has talked to 28 former GFA staff members and board members in Canada, the U.S. and India who shared their stories of self-sacrifice in supporting GFA. They all described an unwavering commitment to the cause, followed by a sense of betrayal.

Some also voiced deep concerns with the organization about how donations were being used, and alleged that hundreds of millions of dollars intended for the poor in Asia were "missing."

Those allegations were the focus of a U.S. class-action lawsuit against the charity that settled last year for $37 million.

The charity firmly denies it did anything wrong, and insists that all donations in Canada and the U.S. went exactly where they were designated.

"Not only [was GFA] not required to make an admission of guilt when they settled the lawsuit, but had the lawsuit actually continued in the court, they either would have won in court or certainly won on the appeal," said GFA litigation spokesperson Johnnie Moore.

He said the allegations made in the U.S. lawsuit were "absolutely false" and the settlement agreement proves it. "It explicitly states that all the funds that … were designated to go to the field went to the field," said Moore.

Cody Carnine was instrumental in the U.S. lawsuit, as one of the few senior leaders at Gospel for Asia who walked away from the organization.

"At GFA we really felt like, man, our life is really making a difference in the lives of other people. So that was incredibly fulfilling, and we were really on-board and extremely involved with everything we could do."

He said a fellow staff member later used the term "cognitive dissonance" to explain how he was coping with mistreatment by leadership, and that resonated with Carnine.

"[It's when] you see one thing, but you believe in another," he said. "That's the world I lived in near the end."

Like many members, Carnine joined Gospel for Asia because he was inspired by the words of its founder, K.P. Yohannan. A native of Kerala, India, Yohannan moved to Texas in the late 1970s and began sharing his vision of how to help the poor in his home country through his books and by speaking at churches across America.

He started Gospel for Asia in 1979.

"There's aspects of him that we were drawn to," said Carnine. "K.P. was our role model, through his teachings and life and lifestyle."

Now 70 years old, Yohannan has a full beard and white hair, which he sometimes pulls back into a ponytail. While visiting western countries such as Canada and the U.S., he’s known to dress casually. However, in Asia, Yohannan wears a white robe and a cross around his neck — symbols of a more Orthodox-style religion that bothers members of the evangelical faith who once followed him.

Those who support Yohannan say this religious shift is merely about accommodating cultural norms in Asia.

A native of Kerala, India, K.P. Yohannan founded Gospel for Asia in 1979. (Believers Eastern Church)
A native of Kerala, India, K.P. Yohannan founded Gospel for Asia in 1979. (Believers Eastern Church)
One Yohannan book that moved Carnine and many others is Revolution in World Missions, which preaches a simple lifestyle by giving up material items and focusing on meeting the needs of those who are less fortunate. Yohannan promotes himself as a minimalist and encourages others to live the same way.

For staff, that means living close to the poverty line while giving every spare dollar back to the cause.

Gospel for Asia started as a grassroots organization, with a handful of staff members. By the early 2000s, support ballooned as Yohannan and his team toured evangelical churches across America. They shared stories of how people were being helped in India and surrounding countries, and how more donations could benefit missionaries spreading the gospel to remote or "unreached" villages.

These passionate pleas spoke directly to congregations and even attracted new staff.

In Wills Point, Tex., where the charity’s headquarters is located, the seclusion is entrenched in a gated community. Officially referred to as the "campus," the property spans about 120 hectares off a rural road 80 kilometres east of Dallas.

It includes a 100,000-sq.-ft. administration building with cathedral ceilings, polished concrete floors and modern furniture. There is also a large cafeteria building and chapel, surrounded by approximately 80 homes. They’re all identical two-storey beige homes with attached garages.

The point is to have staff all in close proximity, focused on the cause without distraction.

Dozens of former staff members shared that they were told not to attend church or prayer meetings outside Gospel for Asia. Some also told CBC they were encouraged not to socialize outside staff events, and that their interactions with GFA staff in other countries should be limited.

In Carnine’s opinion, the staff is controlled. And he was no exception.

"People are definitely conditioned on how to be a good staff member, and that leads to making it much easier for leadership there to control [them]," he said.

According to Carnine, one of Yohannan’s main teachings is "touching Godliness through submission." There is a class on that subject for new staff, which Carnine taught during his time at Gospel for Asia.

He said the goal is to preserve a culture where people fully trust authority.

Christine Harris can relate to the Carnine family’s sacrifice. She now lives in a century farmhouse down a gravel road in the backwoods of Tatamagouche, N.S. — thousands of kilometres from the Canadian head office in Stoney Creek, Ont.

The decision to leave Gospel for Asia five years ago was a slow and painful process for Harris — especially since she was the one who convinced her husband, Geoff, that GFA was their calling.

She was also the one who ultimately pulled them out.

Christine Harris and her family left Gospel for Asia five years ago. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Christine Harris and her family left Gospel for Asia five years ago. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Harris said Yohannan’s writings pulled her psyche into a spiritual focus that redirected the course of her entire family.

"Within three years of reading [Revolution of World Missions], we were on staff, just kind of caught up in the whirlwind. It wasn't an easy process. Our church and Christian friends kind of rejected us and shunned us," Harris said.

According to Harris, people in their hometown of Stayner, Ont., didn’t understand why they were willing to give up their home and her husband’s job to move to Hamilton to be closer to the charity’s Canadian office.

"But we just figured it was the right thing to do, something God wanted us to do," Harris said.

For seven years, she believed in Yohannan’s cause so strongly that she cut coupons and scraped for milk money so that her family could buy chickens and sponsor children in India. Some years, her own kids didn’t even get Christmas presents.

"You still hoped for the best, that the money was still doing what it was supposed to do," Harris said.

But she said "spiritual abuse" from leadership eventually took its toll.

"They often use scripture kind of to browbeat you, like you're not good enough. ‘You need to work hard’ or ‘You need to be more spiritual, you need to be more submissive.’ We heard that all the time. ‘You need to just keep stepping up. Don't be tired. Fight back the devil,’" said Harris.

Other female staff members in Canada and the U.S. told CBC they were berated by leadership for not wearing headscarves or following orders; their husbands were disciplined for not keeping them in line. When families either decided to leave the organization or were forced out, they say current staff were instructed not to speak to them.

Besides the strict environment, Harris started questioning whether the money was going where it was promised, after hearing about state-of-the-art hospitals and other mega-projects overseas that donors weren’t informed about.

"We started seeing these slideshows and prayer requests for these big buildings over in India," she said. "There were universities, schools, massive hospitals. I'm not talking about little shacks where they have a small missionary doctor working with a few expired Tylenol. We're talking top-of-the-line, high-end buildings and professors of the best sort."

WATCH: 'We've all been duped': Christine Harris of Nova Scotia talks about her experience with Gospel for Asia

Christine Harris talks about Gospel for Asia
2 days ago 0:41
The more she thought about it, the more things didn’t add up for her.

"This had nothing to do with the poor, like our magazines were portraying," she said. "So right then, as I'm hearing about these for the first time, I said I think somehow the money isn't getting used like they're saying it is."

Pastor Bruce Morrison and his congregation at the Christian Fellowship Church in New Glasgow, N.S., supported Gospel for Asia every week through its Sunday collection. Over 20 years, the church donated $150,000 to GFA, because Morrison championed the cause.

"It was the work that they did in India, both in terms of sharing the gospel in that country and also in terms of the humanitarian aid that they provided, which was very impressive," he said.

But when the pastor started hearing in 2015 about dissension amongst staff, he reached out to former employees. He was initially concerned about the mistreatment people described while working at Gospel for Asia.

Then, over the course of several months, he began barreling down a troubling path as he investigated the charity’s finances.

Over the course of two decades, Pastor Bruce Morrison and his congregation at the Christian Fellowship Church in New Glasgow, N.S., donated $150,000 to Gospel for Asia. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Over the course of two decades, Pastor Bruce Morrison and his congregation at the Christian Fellowship Church in New Glasgow, N.S., donated $150,000 to Gospel for Asia. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Morrison found that between 2007 and 2014, Gospel for Asia reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that it had sent nearly $94 million to India. Meanwhile, financial records submitted to the Indian government showed the charity received no funds from Canada during that time period.

"So this was just sitting there unused and all the while they’re saying to Canadian donors and other western donors, 'If we only had this much money, we could feed this child. If you would only give, we could buy a cow for a family and that cow would generate revenue to support that family,'" said Morrison.

"All the time, that's not where the money is going."

Over the next few years, Morrison's concerns deepened. He learned by scouring financial statements filed to the Ministry of Home Affairs in India that Gospel for Asia was moving tens of millions from bank accounts in Hong Kong, where it didn't have an office. Millions more were being held in a reserve fund, which, donors said, was concerning given that the charity sends out urgent appeals for donations.

These findings were backed up by an investigation done by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an organization Gospel for Asia belonged to for several years.

According to ECFA, Gospel for Asia had cash balances of $259 million US in 2015. ECFA terminated the charity that same year for various violations, citing Gospel for Asia’s lack of clarity around its finances during the investigation. A leaked copy of its findings stated that "certain information provided to ECFA by GFA that was crucial to our review was, at least initially, inaccurate.”

The document also said that certain information about “compliance issues” was not revealed until late in the review process.

In 2017, the Indian government banned Gospel for Asia from receiving foreign funds in India, along with thousands of other non-profit organizations. Donors assert this fact has never been disclosed publicly.

That’s the most troubling part for Morrison.

"It would be like me as a minister asking for funds to support some family down the street whose house was burned and they just needed help and we took up an offering of $5,000. And instead of me giving it to them, I put it in my bank account for a rainy day," he said. "That seems like a stretch, but it’s really not. It’s the nature of what happened here."

Morrison says he thought it couldn’t get any worse, until he followed the U.S. class-action lawsuit. In court, lawyers representing Gospel for Asia confirmed that $20 million was taken from Canadian donations to help pay for the $45-million campus in Texas.

"They said in the financial statements that were issued in the U.S. [that] … the money had come from an anonymous donor," said Morrison.

"And then we find out through court hearings in the United States that this money was Canadian money and donors here had no idea that had happened."

Gospel for Asia confirms the money did come from Canadian donations, but that it was later paid back.

Morrison believes all of these details amount to a fraud because, as defined in the Criminal Code of Canada under false pretenses, he says it’s a misrepresentation of the facts. He takes particular issue with the lack of transparency about how donations are being used.

After months of declining CBC requests for an interview with K.P. Yohannan, the charity’s spokesperson agreed to respond to the allegations in person at the campus in Texas.

Johnnie Moore said the controversy of the U.S. lawsuit has shaken GFA leadership.

"I think they just generally feel like they've been really misunderstood," said Moore. "And one of the reasons why they've been misunderstood is that either people have made up their minds already or they've inadequately communicated answers to the questions."

He said all of the goats, chickens and other charitable items offered through GFA were in fact delivered to people in need.

The original plaintiffs in the class action, Matthew and Jennifer Dickson, view it differently. They agree that money eventually made it to Asia, but contest that the money went directly to pay for the items as promised.

"People were being told, 'We're going to take your money and use it one way.' In reality, it was being used a different way. So that was essentially the heart of the lawsuit," said Matthew Dickson, who lives in Rogers, Ariz.

Matthew and Jennifer Dickson, who live in Arkansas, were the plaintiffs in a U.S. class-action lawsuit against Gospel for Asia. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Matthew and Jennifer Dickson, who live in Arkansas, were the plaintiffs in a U.S. class-action lawsuit against Gospel for Asia. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
He said as they learned more about Gospel for Asia's finances, they couldn't understand why GFA continued to raise money for certain items.

"If you have 10,000 missionaries, and a bicycle costs $100 ... once you've raised your million dollars, then you shouldn't be needing to appeal for a bicycle anymore. Every missionary should have a bicycle and they should be good to go," said Dickson.

"And yet GFA would continue to send out these urgent appeals with how important it is for these poor missionaries that are walking miles and miles on foot to minister to these poor, unreached groups."

When the lawsuit was filed in 2016, Gospel for Asia had publicly promised to send 100 per cent of its proceeds to the field. The charity has since changed the small print to say that 85 per cent of donations end up in the field. Critics allege the real amount is actually closer to 20 per cent.

The definition of "field" is a contentious subject. Critics interpret it to mean the money ends up somewhere in Asia.

But Gospel for Asia’s spokesperson said the donations went exactly where they were supposed to, and that "the needs were met."

"It's just the way in which they fulfilled them — [it] was creative based upon the challenges of a vast organization working in rural and sometimes complicated environments and countries around the world," said Moore.

Another area of dispute is Gospel for Asia's businesses in India. The Dicksons claimed the organization was "covertly diverting the money to a multi-million-dollar personal empire," including a state-of-the-art hospital, engineering college and private schools in one of India's richest states.

Moore said that's a "totally absurd accusation."

Johnnie Moore, a spokesman for Gospel for Asia, stands outside the group's headquarters in Wills Point, Tex. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
Johnnie Moore, a spokesman for Gospel for Asia, stands outside the group's headquarters in Wills Point, Tex. (Angela MacIvor/CBC)
"I mean, all you have to do is spend time with [GFA employees] to see the work that they support in 20 countries around the world. Look at the lifestyle of the founder of the organization and the people who are part of the religious order," he said.

"This is not an organization with leaders who personally enriched themselves."

Moore confirmed that GFA's field partner, Believers Eastern Church, runs a hospital in Kerala, India. The charity said the hospital was partially funded with what it calls "undesignated field funds," but foreign money was not used for other projects, such as an engineering college and private schools.

The charity also disputes that any of these entities are "for profit." GFA says all revenue is used for charitable work exclusively.

"That hospital is the only hospital of its kind within a very, very long distance. I mean, people come from all over that part of India in order to get great health care," said Moore.

Moore also says that when it comes to the large sums of money in foreign bank accounts, the charity "should have been heralded for the fact that they kept significant cash reserves in complicated environments."

WATCH: Gospel for Asia spokesman Johnnie Moore takes CBC on a tour of the group's campus in Texas

Gospel for Asia 'campus'
2 days ago 0:57

For the last five years, Pastor Bruce Morrison has written dozens of letters and reports for the RCMP and Canada Revenue Agency, along with various other accounting agencies, pushing them to investigate GFA.

The RCMP worked on the case for a year, but closed the file in December 2018. Spokesperson Cpl. Louise Savard said in an email statement that "if new information comes to light it will be reopened."

Morrison has never received a response from the CRA. But in a written statement to CBC, the agency says Gospel for Asia is still a registered charity.

"However, since the CRA has neither imposed a sanction upon the charity, nor revoked or annulled its registered status as the result of an audit, the confidentiality provisions of the Act prevent the CRA from commenting as to whether this charity is currently, or has previously been, under audit."

Charity lawyer Mark Blumberg said it's not unusual for the CRA to take 10 or even 15 years to do an audit before the public ever knows about it. He calls the lack of transparency "unfortunate."

"I think that there needs to be a greater ability for CRA to comment on things, especially when it's in the public domain already that people are making allegations," said Blumberg.

"I'm a clergyman, so I'm not supposed to get mad, but I'm upset… to say the least."
He said the CRA takes the issue of foreign activities "quite seriously," but "until they have revoked the entity, they're not really allowed to disclose to the public the information relating to the reasons for the revocation."

Blumberg also believes the RCMP should dedicate more resources to investigating charity allegations.

Morrison said he tries not to let himself get angry about the situation with GFA, but it's difficult to hold back his emotions. "I'm a clergyman, so I'm not supposed to get mad, but I'm upset… to say the least."

Coverage of the U.S. lawsuit as well as efforts from people like Morrison to sound the alarm in church circles has affected the group's fundraising efforts.

The latest records filed to CRA show that in 2018, Gospel for Asia brought in $8.8 million. Three years earlier, at its peak, the charity raised $18 million in Canada.

Morrison said he feels guilty about having promoted GFA so vigorously to his congregation. "I felt I had betrayed my church, you know, because I had been a strong solicitor of support from the congregation," said Morrison.

"The greatest thing that's impacted me is the denial that comes from Gospel for Asia — 'We've done nothing wrong' — When there is so much evidence to the contrary."

https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/ ... -asia-charity-money
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醜就梗唔夠貴教, 幾長都遮唔到   Published 11:15 a.m. ET Feb. 22, 2020

Former St. Xavier High School priest faces allegations of psychological sexual abuse

Another priest involved at St. Xavier High School is facing "established allegations" of psychological sexual abuse against minors, officials announced Friday.

Father Edward L. Pigott, 82, was added to the Midwest Province of Jesuits' growing list of priests and clergy members facing such allegations of abuse. According to his listing, Pigott's alleged abuse occurred between 1992 and 1995.

An "established allegation" is based on the facts and circumstances that establish a "reasonable certainty that the sexual abuse of a minor occurred," according to the Province. An established allegation leads to removal from public ministry and possible criminal prosecution.

The Midwest Jesuits initially published a list of Jesuit priests and clergy members who faced established allegations dating back to 1955 in December 2018. Five local priests were included in that list, including two priests involved at St. Xavier High School.

Officials extended an invitation at that time to any other victims of abuse to inform local authorities, St. Xavier and the Province.

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Allegations against Pigott came in almost immediately, and Pigott was removed from his duties at the school two days after the original list was published, school officials said.

Upon learning of Pigott's allegations, the Province followed protocol and notified the Cincinnati Archdiocese and the Hamilton County Prosecutor.

The Province initiated an independent investigation concerning allegations of psychological sexual abuse by Pigott, and those allegations were determined to have been established.

St. Xavier High School sent a letter home to families Friday, stating Pigott had served the school's community from 1969 to 2018.

"We are committed to a culture of safety and protection for the care of all members of our community, especially our precious children, among God's greatest gifts," school officials wrote in the letter.

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The school said they will be sharing information of Pigott's established allegations with students on Monday.

Nothing is more important than the well-being of our students. St. Xavier High School operates under strict policies and guidelines, which are regularly reviewed and improved upon, to ensure a safe and secure environment for students. We are vigilant in prevention and reporting with a keen sense of awareness and procedures to protect each and every young man.

The school once again extended an invitation for anyone who has felt victimized by a Jesuit or any St. Xavier employee to contact law enforcement, child protection and the school directly at [email protected] or [email protected]. Victims may also reach out to Marjorie O'Dea, the Province Director of the Office of Safe Environment, at 773-975-6876 or by mail at the USA Midwest Province, 1010 North Hooker Street in Chicago, Illinois 60642.

The following local priests were included in the original list, posted Dec. 17, 2018:

Rev. James A. Condon, S.J. at St. Xavier High School in 1965 (deceased 1993)
Rev. Mark A. Finan, S.J. at St. Xavier High School from 1964 to 1965 (dismissed in 1973)
Rev. Edward J. O'Brien, S.J. at Xavier University in 1958 and 1971 to 1982 (deceased 1983)
Rev. Donald O. Nastold, S.J. at St. Francis Xavier Church from 1999 to 2000 (deceased 2007)
Rev. Robert J. Erpenbeck, S.J. at the Jesuit Novitiate in Milford from 1961 and the Milford Retreat Center in 1964 (deceased 1986)
https://www.cincinnati.com/story ... l-abuse/4841548002/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

Retired Catholic priest charged in M ...
沙文 2020/2/22 10:51 提交


Retired Catholic priest charged in Missouri with sex abuse
A retired Catholic priest has been charged in Missouri with multiple counts of child sexual abuse stemming from a statewide investigation of abuse by Catholic priests.

Seventy-six-year-old Frederick Lutz, of Springfield, was charged Tuesday with forcible sodomy, sexual abuse and two counts of statutory sodomy. His bond was set at $125,000 cash only. No attorney is listed for him in online court records.

He was among 12 former priests that Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt referred for criminal prosecution following a 13-month investigation.

According to charging documents, Lutz sexually assaulted a 17-year-old in 2000, while he was the priest at the St. Joseph Parish in the 1,350-person southeast Missouri town of Advance. The documents said Lutz called the teen to the rectory, where he was drinking and watching a pornographic movie. The document said the teen was forced to perform sexual acts before he could leave.

According to court documents, the teen immediately told his father who then spoke to a teacher. Documents said the teacher told Lutz about the conversation, and a few weeks later he called the father into his office and apologized. Lutz allegedly said that he had had recently broken up with a boyfriend who had been living with him at the rectory.

Police also learned of a 1972 incident in which a 17-year-old who was working a summer job at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Cape Girardeau said he awoke after a night of drinking with Lutz touching him, according to charging documents. The man made a formal complaint with the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese in 2006.

The Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau said in a statement that it was participating in the investigation and stressed that it previously had reported the allegations against Lutz to the then-prosecutor in Stoddard County.

The diocese, along with current Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney Oliver, urged anyone with additional information about other victims to come forward.

Schmitt said in a statement that he was pleased to see that a case had been initiated.

“While this may not provide much solace to victims, these charges represent the next crucial steps in holding abusers accountable for their actions,” the statement said.

Missouri is among several states that launched investigations last year after a Pennsylvania report cited abuse of more than 1,000 children by hundreds of priests there since the 1940s, and efforts by church leaders to hide it.
https://cruxnow.com/church-in-th ... uri-with-sex-abuse/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
台灣 Yahoo 充 Catholic News Agency?
Grand in Media 就未必大, 但Catholic News Agency 梗大過NY Times, USAToday啦
【主教的暗黑諭令】梵諦岡隱匿連續性侵案 勒索被害人做偽證
6.7k 人追蹤
2020年2月18日 下午6:01
樞機主教的回應,讓身為母親的馬汀妮茲(Yolanda Martínez)難以承受。



#Mundo Yolanda Martínez contó que el enviado del Vaticano dijo que recibiría 15 mil euros por parte de los Legionarios, pero su hijo tendría que retractarse de su denuncia. ⬇ https://t.co/CeR60MG439

— El Universal San Luis Potosí (@ElUniversal_SLP) February 17, 2020
《美聯社》(AP)調查報導指出,2008年馬汀妮茲12歲的兒子,就讀於義大利北部戈札諾(Gozzano)一所天主教基督軍修會(Legion of Christ)主辦的青年神學院時,屢次遭到神父古特雷茲(Vladimir Reséndiz Gutiérrez)性侵。


她曾打電話給時任樞機主教保利斯(Valasio De Paolis)、基督軍修會領導神父,並由時任教宗本篤十六世(Benedict XVI’s)指派負責調解此案,要求基督軍修會提出解決方案,並表達她的憤慨。






由上而下 忽視戀童癖神父犯案




聖品階級腐敗 包庇連續性侵案
古特雷斯的性侵案不是天主教基督軍修會的第一例,2006年基督軍修會創辦人、2008年逝世的馬西埃爾神父(Father Marcial Maciel)被揭露曾性侵至少60名男童,生了3個孩子,且制訂類似於邪教的制度,以便隱藏他的犯罪行為。




墨西哥籍神父阿提埃(Alberto Athié)20逾來,代表神職人員性侵受害者聲討正義,他說:「他們(梵諦岡)總是試圖操控受害者、淡化、詆毀,並指責受害人誇大其詞。」


https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E4%B8 ... D%89-230100430.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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