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破產係負責任嘅做法, 好似您咁唔認衰就係衰仔做法
“Th ...
沙文 發表於 2020/2/22 07:36


乜 Grand in Media 個名會大磡過 NY Times, USAToday 既?
回覆 1313# beebeechan

https://grandinmedia.ca/pennsylv ... mid-abuse-lawsuits/

破產係負責任嘅做法, 好似您咁唔認衰就係衰仔做法
“The diocese was in need of right-sizing,” Matthew Haverstick, an attorney for the Diocese of Harrisburg, told the Washington Post. “Bankruptcy is really the responsible way to do it, so it can continue to do all the things it does, spiritually and charitably.”
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2020/2/22 07:16 編輯
天主賜您C眼睇多「保護」兩個字, 又話這世代冇神跡?
沙文 發表於 2020/2/22 07:04

唔通你既英文能力真係咁低, 唔識睇英文報導既?



(最怕你好似小龍女咁, 俾人矇住眼, 就。。。。上咗)
天主賜您C眼睇多「保護」兩個字, 又話這世代冇神跡?
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
性侵官司衝擊 賓州一天主教會聲請破產
賓州中部一個天主教會因性侵官司19日聲請破產,這是賓州兩年前領先全 ...
沙文 發表於 2020/2/22 02:45

人地係申請破產保護, 唔係破產
(兩者有乜唔同, 你去問問律界人仕, 其實問我, 我都答到你既)

所以, 教堂關門, 賣檯賣椅, 賣教堂, 賣地既畫面係唔會出現。
性侵官司衝擊 賓州一天主教會聲請破產

賓州法律不允許多年前受害的人控告罪嫌,但最近該州上訴法院裁決,受害者可控告罪嫌所屬的教會。哈里斯堡教區的律師哈佛史迪克(Matthew Haverstick)說,好幾起官司針對教會而來,教會如果因此破產,「不能怪受害人」。



2018年夏天,賓州檢察長沙皮洛(Josh Shapiro)對該州六個天主教教區發動大規模的調查,開全國「打擊傳教士性侵風氣」之先,帶動其他州調查這經年累月的劣行。






https://www.worldjournal.com/679 ... %E7%A0%B4%E7%94%A2/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
修女善心真係要表揚, 唔知係咪幫襯番修女呢?



https://tw.news.appledaily.com/i ... y/20070128/3214240/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
"a Brazilian cardinal said" 吖嘛

您地教友幫襯修女制服誘惑, 憑受洗證應該可享85折優惠
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
修女做雞, 一路向西

Vatican says nuns abused, kicked out, forced into prostitution
The Vatican  ...
沙文 發表於 2020/2/20 16:32

其他傳媒的轉載都係話一本雜誌:Vatican women’s magazine 咁樣講


由你到,就「升格」咗為:Vatican says
修女做雞, 一路向西

Vatican says nuns abused, kicked out, forced into prostitution
The Vatican women’s magazine is blaming the drastic drop in the number of nuns worldwide in part on their wretched working conditions and the sexual abuse and abuses of power they suffer at the hands of priests and their own superiors.

“Women Church World” dedicated its February issue to the burnout, trauma and exploitation experienced by religious sisters, and how the church is realising it must change its ways if it wants to attract new vocations.

The magazine published on Thursday revealed that Pope Francis had authorised the creation of a special home in Rome for nuns who were kicked out of their orders and all but left on the street, some forced into prostitution to survive.

“There are some really tough cases, in which the superiors withheld the identity documents of the sisters who wanted to leave the convent, or who were kicked out,” the head of the Vatican’s religious orders congregation, Cardinal Joao Braz di Aviz, told the magazine.

“There were also cases of prostitution to be able to provide for themselves,” he said. “These are ex-nuns!”

“We are dealing with people who are wounded, and for whom we have to rebuild trust. We have to change this attitude of rejection, the temptation to ignore these people and say ‘you’re not our problem anymore.””

“All of this must absolutely change,” he said.

The Catholic Church has seen a continuing free fall in the number of nuns around the world, as elderly sisters die and fewer young ones take their place.

Vatican statistics from 2016 show the number of sisters was down 10,885 from the previous year to 659,445 globally. Ten years prior, there were 753,400 nuns around the world, meaning the Catholic Church shed nearly 100,000 sisters in the span of a decade.

European nuns regularly fare the worst, Latin American numbers are stable and the numbers are rising in Asia and Africa.

The magazine has made headlines in the past with articles exposing the sexual abuse of nuns by priests and the slave-like conditions sisters are often forced to work under, without contracts and doing menial jobs like cleaning for cardinals.

The drop in their numbers has resulted in the closure of convents around Europe, and the ensuing battle between the remaining sisters and diocesan bishops or the Vatican for control of their assets.
https://indaily.com.au/news/2020 ... -into-prostitution/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

北卡州牧師狎4至15歲兒童 遭控逾百條性侵罪名  2020年01月24日
當地警方透露,北卡州埃爾金(Elkin)一間教會的牧師盧夫曼(Rodney Luffman),涉嫌在約20年前,性侵3名當時僅得4至16歲的兒童。警方續指,懷疑盧夫曼的惡行或持續15年,目前正加以調查。
https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/amen ... 0124_00972_001.html
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
疑爭奪教會所有權 肯亞牧師夫狠捅牧師妻後自刎身亡

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕一起驚悚的殺妻、自殺案件在肯亞發生!肯亞助理牧師米西克(Elijah Misik)日前當著教會會眾的面持刀捅向妻子、牧師安.穆霍伊(Ann Mughoi)後並自殺。米西克當場死亡,穆霍伊則被送往當地醫院,最終重傷不治。據當地警方稱,這起殺人案疑與教會的所有權爭奪有關。




Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Catholic priest 'confessed 1,500 times to abusing children', victim says mandatory reporting could have saved him
By Kym Agius
Updated yesterday at 7:44pm

Grainy image of an older man in spectacles
PHOTO: Greg says paedophile priest Michael McArdle's offending was known to the church. (Supplied)
RELATED STORY: 'It won't make a difference': Senior Catholic Archbishop rejects bill for priests to report child abusers
A former altar boy who was allegedly sexually abused by a serial paedophile priest says he could have been spared if the Catholic Church enforced mandatory reporting of crimes admitted in the confessional.

By the time Father Michael McArdle allegedly targeted the then-12-year-old for oral sex, he had already been molesting children for a decade.

The abuse lasted for several months at the sacristy and presbytery of the Holy Rosary Church in Bundaberg, as well as during an overnight school camp, legal documents allege.

"It's always in the back of your mind," Greg* said.

"A couple of years ago I had a mental breakdown, I wanted to kill myself.

"But I've come through it — I think."

Pixelated photo of victim allegedly sexually abused by a serial paedophile priest.
PHOTO: Greg has launched legal action in August against the Diocese of Rockhampton. (ABC News)
Greg launched legal action in August against the Diocese of Rockhampton for the mental toll the abuse has taken on him, with his lawyers lodging a notice of claim for the civil suit.

Maurice Blackburn lawyer Jed McNamara, who is representing Greg, said an affidavit filed by McArdle in 2004 revealed he confessed 1,500 times to 30 different priests over a 25-year period.

McArdle, who resigned from the priesthood in 2000, was jailed in 2004 for six years for 62 indecent dealing charges against 14 boys and two girls over a 22-year period from 1965 in regional Catholic parishes across Queensland.

Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge gestures with his hand while taking questions about child abuse in the Catholic church
PHOTO: Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge says lifting the confessional seal would do little to save young people. (ABC News: Lincoln Rothall)
Mr McNamara said his client would be seeking to negotiate a settlement of the case for the psychological injury he suffered.

"If there were not recommendations (from the royal commission) for reporting of abuse then that enabled that abuse to reoccur and reoccur and reoccur — case in point, McArdle," he said.

"For the better part of a decade before he abused my client ... [McArdle] would confess, would be absolved, would go back out, would repeat that offending behaviour, would go back to confession and the cycle continued."

Lawyer Jed McNamara looks at the camera as he sits at a desk holding a report at his Maroochydore office.
PHOTO: Lawyer Jed McNamara, Queensland head of abuse law at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, is representing a client who has launched legal action against the Diocese of Rockhampton. (ABC News: Tara Cassidy)
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended mandatory reporting to police of child abuse admitted in the confessional, leading to Queensland's drafting of the proposed Child Sexual Offences Reform Bill.

It is currently being considered by the state's Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee before being returned to Parliament for a vote.

Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge has criticised the attempt at reform, saying lifting the confessional seal and enforcing mandatory reporting would do little to save young people.

If you or anyone you know needs help:
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
ReachOut at au.reachout.com
Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 774
Greg, however, disagrees.

"If somebody had stepped in way back then and got him out of the system earlier, it would have been a different life and I'm sure it would have been better," he said.

"These are kids' lives we're dealing with and you only get one shot at life and if you can have a good start it makes all the difference."

At times suffering depression and anxiety, Greg also turned to alcohol to cope.

Jobs have been hard to pin down, so too have romantic relationships.

"If that hadn't have happened, where would I be now?

"I would be in a better position as far as life goes."

Archbishop Mark Coleridge.
PHOTO: Archbishop Mark Coleridge has criticised the attempt to enforce mandatory reporting by priests. (AAP: Catholic Communications Office Brisbane/Peter Casamento)
Archbishop Coleridge is on an overseas holiday and unavailable for comment but his spokesperson directed the ABC to his submission to the committee considering the state legislation.

"The royal commission heard from a panel of six experienced priests with a combined history of more than 150 years as pastors," Archbishop Coleridge wrote.

"The royal commission asked these priests if they had ever had someone confess a crime during the sacrament of penance.

"They told the royal commission that this had never happened.

"There are publicised examples of convicted priests claiming that they confessed their child abuse regularly.

"However, it must be noted that someone can confess very generally (for instance, 'I broke the Sixth Commandment',) without providing further detail.

"Perhaps former priests who have been found guilty of child abuse should not be so readily believed by media when they claim to have confessed their abuse when much of their life has been a lie."

Queensland's Transport Minister Mark Bailey tweeted this week over the Archbishop's stance:

"I'm deeply disturbed the Brisbane Archbishop opposes new laws requiring priests to report child sexual abuse just like doctors/teachers/nurses," he wrote.

"The secrecy, cover-ups, abuse must stop via stronger laws in Qld backing the royal commission recommendations."
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020 ... hild-abuse/11876130
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

鑽石吧教會前華裔志工Chee Lim Chook被控與未成年女性發生性關係等多項罪名乙案,被告14日在波莫那洛杉磯高等法院認罪,被判入獄十年零八個月,並終身登記為性犯罪者(sex offender )。

據洛杉磯縣地檢署資訊,被告Chee Lim Chook( Chin Lee Chook),又名Desmond Chook,56歲,是羅斯密市居民,先前在鑽石吧一家教會擔任義工.。未成年受害者也是與被告同一間教會。


https://www.worldjournal.com/673 ... %E7%8D%B2%E5%88%91/
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
回覆 1302# 抽刀斷水

所有神父嘅anterior chapter都係信徒, 無分孰優孰劣嘅
多伦多渣男牧师杀害亚裔孕妻 网友直呼判得太轻
2020年01月07日 14:54

身穿浅灰色西装的Philip Grandine于周二上午走进位于361 University Avenue的法庭,听取量刑判决。一年前,陪审团就认定他在妻子Anna Grandine溺亡案中的误杀罪名成立。根据最新的量刑裁决,以及在庭审前被关押的时间,Philip将在狱中度过12年。多伦多一名前牧师杀害其怀孕妻子的案子已经过去8年前,本周二,法庭终于做出裁决,判其入狱15年。

身穿浅灰色西装的Philip Grandine于周二上午走进位于361 University Avenue的法庭,听取量刑判决。一年前,陪审团就认定他在妻子Anna Grandine溺亡案中的误杀罪名成立。




图片来源:CBC/Humphrey Funeral Home



但是安省最高法庭法官Faye McWatt拒绝接受这一说法。 庭审中,陪审团被告知,如果认定Philip偷偷给妻子下药,或者知道妻子服了药而没有阻止她在药物还有影响时走进浴缸,就能对他定罪。



支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
2020-01-07 01:31:57

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕英國36歲高材生雷納德.辛納加(Reynhard Sinaga)在許多友人眼中是個開朗的天主教徒,沒人想到背地裡竟是長期藉機性侵同性的性侵犯,他被控從2015年至2017年6月連續犯罪,性侵超過190人,其中48名受害者出庭作證,經過2年審判,他被重判2個無期徒刑。

綜合外媒報導,36歲的辛納加來自印尼的富裕家庭,他在印尼大學(UI)得到建築學位後,於2007年移居英國,到曼徹斯特大學攻讀碩士,接著進入利茲大學(Leeds University)攻讀人文地理博士學位。他2011年起住在曼徹斯特市中心的公主街(Princess Street)上,目前警方發現的證據只能指控他在2015年1月至2017年5月間性侵超過190人,許多受害者身分難以辨識,但有48人出庭作證,不過,警方懷疑他的犯罪史應該早在2015年前就開始。










Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details

「爺爺要光溜溜地抱著妳睡」 牧師猥褻女大生判刑8月
2020-01-05 18:50:42



尐猶太佬臣僕咁擾民, 仲話咩「偉大領袖」負責降生基督。若是我做皇帝, 下旨整個暖水袋味得咯
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
Strongsville priest posed as female minor to receive nudes from teenage boy, court records allege
Posted: 5:02 PM, Jan 03, 2020
CLEVELAND — New details have been released in the case of Reverend Robert McWilliams, the Catholic priest from Strongsville who was charged with possession of child pornography.

According to Chardon Municipal Court, on May 17, 2018, McWilliams posed as a female minor in order to receive nude images of a teenage boy.

McWilliams received a nude image of the boy’s genitals through electronic communication, according to the court.

The priest was arrested on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019 at St. Joseph Catholic Church.

According to the criminal complaint against McWilliams, he was in possession of child pornography three separate times—the first instance in 2016, again in 2018 and then one more in 2019.

McWilliams was ordained in 2017.

RELATED: Strongsville priest charged for possession of child pornography receives $50,000 bond
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
好在我唔帶犬子去教堂, 費事要私了

父子同遭性侵 19歲少年十字架插喉狠殺老神父
法國北部瓦茲省(Oise)19歲少年亞歷山大(Alexandre V)疑似因不堪長期被91歲天主教神父馬塔索利(Roger Matassoli)性虐,憤而將十字架插入馬塔索利喉嚨報復,導致其窒息死亡。上周四(26日)亞歷山大被正式控以謀殺罪,警方調查發現,瑪塔索利曾於1960年至2000年間性侵犯至少4名男童,受害人當中更包括亞歷山大的父親。



博韋區(Beauvais)主教伯努瓦戈南(Jacques Benoit-Gonnin)受訪時表示,馬塔索利涉嫌性侵,在2009年已遭到免職;然而有傳媒調查發現,馬塔索利當年是因年老而退休,而他直到2018年在教會人員名單中並領取教會薪金。

Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
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