所以毛主席話: 全世界無產者团結起來, 就係咁解
no matter like it or not,世界就係咁, 即使人人都冇槍, 想有槍, 仍然係有辦法嘅。當佢有辦法而您冇,您咪當dum咯。您想投訴佢有辦法而您冇咩?您都係要向有槍的投訴(假如您有機會的話) --- 所以,世上最終極的真理只有兩條:
1. law of the jungle
2. murphy's law
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details
處唔處理到,還要看打唔打得嬴。最終還是回到law of the jungle之嘛
division of labour 係被有槍的capitalists支配的啦,佢呃您話,不如我有槍,您冇,咁就大家有啖安樂飯食,佢俾labours食飯,都係因為驚住手中的槍被搶啫。所以,仍然脫離唔到終極真理
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details