just simply because there-o'
there4 ,
they may always b inclined2send 女學生 [[[[[[[[[ i.e. young girls ]]]]]]]]]
to 企街
to attract back some male wolves such as me
if .... that 仔 's 你 ,
then ..... n'o matter how ever sincerely 你 in begging 教牧 to let 你 to 企街 ,
but ,
教牧 would b better to arrange some pig 扒 to be the 企街
教牧 would even advise 你 that : ::::::::::
````````` 因為阿耶哥都同乜水洗過腳丫嘛,there4 , 你 ......... 工作無分貴賤既呢。'''''''''