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做咩事我take things literally 又有問題?你take things literally 就答人地自己喺邊度學語言就得?一時一樣嘅你?你話"信乜都唔洗明"都唔洗俾十卜,我鳩噏乜野你理得我啫?
Welcome and thank you for signing up for my free course, "Why I Am Not a Christian." (WINC)
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Now, let me officially welcome you to my world.
I'm Bart Ehrman.
I began studying the New Testament in high school after becoming a born again Christian. No one who knew me at the time would have thought I had a future in academia but all that changed when I attended Moody Bible Institute and my interest in the Bible became an obsession. I went on to learn Greek at Wheaton College and earned my M.Div. and Ph.D in New Testament studies from Princeton Theological Seminary.
I am now a professor of Religious Studies at UNC Chapel Hill where I have been since, gulp, 1988 (Go Heels!)
Additionally, I make the kinds of Biblical scholarship I teach at the university level available in Bart Ehrman Courses Online (and BartEhrman.com), as well as in my:
Books: I’ve written a number of books on the New Testament, the historical Jesus, early Christianity, and ancient Greek manuscripts.
The Bart Ehrman Blog: A non profit blog where I post 5x per week (with archives going back to 2012)
If you’re new to my work, there’s a lot to discover.
Bible scholars have made significant progress in understanding the Bible over the past two hundred years. This progress is built on archaeological discoveries, advances in our knowledge of the ancient Hebrew and Greek languages, and deep and penetrating historical, literary, and textual analyses.
Yet such insights into the Bible are virtually unknown among the population at large.
My goal is to make this sort of Bible scholarship – the kind taught in colleges, universities, seminaries, and divinity schools throughout the country – accessible to "lay folks," that is, for those without any special Bible training who are interested in gaining deeper insights into the New Testament and early Christianity — and who don’t mind being entertained while doing so.
Just one caveat:
Bible scholarship is not always what you might expect! It requires an open mind and a willingness to confront difficult questions. But the journey is incredibly rewarding and enlightening, and can broaden understanding in ways you never imagined.
In fact, tomorrow, I’m going to share with you the biggest challenge I ever faced during my own academic journey and explain what happened afterward!
Stay tuned for an inside look at what it was like for me to begin studying the Bible critically while balancing my faith and maintaining my sanity.