事實上,在川普遇襲後,槍手克魯克斯(Thomas Matthew Crooks)也迅速遭射殺,隨後FBI也開始調查槍手的動機,根據《CNN》報導指出,FBI於15日發出一份聲明,表示他們已經徹底調查了槍手克魯克斯的手機,同時也對現場人員、活動參加者進行了將近100次的詢問,但是從中根本沒有任何有效的發現,根本找不到任何克魯克斯的犯罪動機。
and then I saw an attemt on his life. that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so slose to his head that it busted his eardrum and I sw he was fell to his knees during tis time ............講嘅時候佢指住右邊邊耳仔
Don't know where God is but the Devil is in the details