原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-9 18:58 發表
The biological ability to learn and to be brainwash is the same. If a children mind is set to a point where it actually analyze the situation before the taking in the information, it will take forever to learn.
Think about how long it takes for a person after 20 to learn a new language? Or the ability for a person to significantly inprove chess skill after 20?
>>>>>>>>> (poor english, hope u understand what i said)
oNo , your////thy english writing is really good
indeed ,
indeed ,
i would like to encourage u to communicate us in english in your convenience
reason .1. : ::::::::::
we have some super english user ,
e.g. : :
My Dear Sir Dye + My Dear Sir Weakest ,
their english output would be 100.000% correct ,
u may be better to take every opportunity to read their english works ,
that must brush up your english comprehension
reason .2. : ::::::::::
an english proverb : : practice makes perfect ,
the more practice ,
the better
by 'the way ,
on an other hand ,
i would also like to suggest : ::::::::::
should u write us in english ,
then ,
u may be better to cast away any spell-checker ,
to cast away any spell-checker =
to cast away your tendency to depend on a machine rather than your own
understand my english so-called english ??
any query please do not hesitate to let us know , cheers , best regards , ThANKs , yours truly , pendragon
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-9 23:47 發表
"In fact it is what HK government is trying by having a "common sense" course in school. In Canada, I heard they are speaking of a basic philosophy class."
I don't think the "common sense" courses c ...
disclaiming : : that 好狗 stands4me , wou wou
>>>> In fact, I have taken "religious studies" course for HKCEE,
what's result ? which grade ? [[青见]] [[人子]] 您 边 x 渡 gaa ??
i talk with my girlfriend last night about the Exodus
I "read" the information in a video format not available online.
For the grown up being brainwashed, you have to realize that thereis a diversity in any population. Also, there is more than one way to wash the brain.
Typically it is very difficult to brainwash a grown up with a decent "OS". Look at this thread starting poster. When he read bible for the first time, he immediately sees the nonsense.
At the same time, think about his girlfriend who started this early in her life. She apparently has her "OS" twisted.
Or my cousin who started going to church early and now ended up a Christian. But my aunt who appear to believe in Christianity in her later life, she is much shakier in her belief.
They are both recent converts in my family.
Numerous statistics I post before show that the more religious a person is, the less educated a person is. (It does not seperate different religion. ANY religion is find.)
Funny enough, I do not have the means to type Chinese whenever I am in Mainland (am in Mainland at the moment)
原帖由 Guest from 116.226.57.x 於 2008-3-10 17:59 發表
i talk with my girlfriend last night about the Exodus
the Christiannity re-openned their shop up there not too long ago ,
but ,
in such a short time , they can have such an astonnishing accomplishment ,
the Christiannity , really .........