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[發問] 有一個問題想請教一下

想請問一下牧師呀, 傳教士成年收入有幾多???
原帖由 Den-O_Gun_Form 於 2008-2-26 23:39 發表
想請問一下牧師呀, 傳教士成年收入有幾多???

for 'the similar question have i asked some months ago , but , up2now .........


回復 3# dye 的帖子

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

回復 4# 抽刀斷水 的帖子

The number next to the welfare description is the percentage of 牧師 that have this kind of welfare?
No, out of 66 of those survey, how many have the said benefit (resaon why I do not post that graph is because I think the survey method for that is not representative and misleading)
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