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b) Evolution will continue and is continuing.
dye 發表於 2011/11/10 14:59

I do not agree.


最古的植物化石 (羊齒草) 同今日的羊齒草無咩唔同喎?
那羊齒草化石在三千萬前, 三千萬年這麼久都未有顯注的演化.

If evolution is 'continuing', there should be observable changes to the species. 30 million  years is not a long time, but it isn't short either.
回復  抽刀斷水
Walking upright is also advantageous in traveling long distance on grassland.

dye 發表於 2011/11/10 15:08

What makes homo sapien stand out from other primates is not because homo sapien walked upright some hundred million years ago.
Homo sapien is different from other primates because homo sapien is 'wise'.
回復  抽刀斷水

In strict term, there is no "better" in evolution.  You probably "better adapted".  ...

PS.  If I remember correctly, our brain did get a tiny bit larger after civilisation.  
dye 發表於 2011/11/10 15:08

Is it also a 'misconception' that species with a larger brain means  'wiser' and "better adapted"?

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回復 4# 抽刀斷水

In strict term, there is no "better" in evolution.  You probably "better adapted".  The question then raise the question of where in the "wild" you are referring to?

With or without education, human is better at co-operation, planning on future.  Walking upright is also advantageous in traveling long distance on grassland.  It is better at spotting food or enemy on grassland.  All of these will work to our advantage in the certain part of the wild, and useless in other part of the wild.

So in another word, we will probably fare terribly in the jungle compare to a gorrila.  However, we will be quite better adapted on grassland.  We will probably fare horrible alone.  However, we will be exceptional if we are in group.

Does that answer your question?
PS.  If I remember correctly, our brain did get a tiny bit larger after civilisation.  The limiting factor of human brain is birth.  Also, as our diet change, some of us has become more lactose tolerant (we can drink milk as an adult!).  So we HAVE changed!
a) What do you mean "no change to primate"?  We ARE the change, and we ARE primate.

b) Evolution will continue and is continuing.  As the environment change (including human factors, competition), so will be species that "fit" into it.  All the author need to do is wait for another few million year before concluding.

c) There is no GOAL in evolution.  Human is not the goal.  (Obviously, the fall into evolution misconception again)  In the end, primate just evolve to be DIFFERENT primate, whether they evolve to become homo sapien is not important in evolution.

Please begin with Evolution 101 again.
回復  beebeechan

抽刀斷水 發表於 2011/11/10 09:57

回復 5# beebeechan

好奇一問:如果人一出生在野外,沒有接受教育,那麼在野外能比大猿和黑猿更優越麼? ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2011/11/9 22:46

在人類未都市化, 未工業化, 未農業化,未有教育前, 人既外貌已經同猿很不同了, 人既樣貌生理也沒有因為受教育而同以前既人唔同左。
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"約4000萬年前,與人類基因最相似的大猿, 黑猿開始分開,
奇怪是經過4000萬年,漫長的歲月,大 ...
Dalvm 發表於 2011/11/9 21:50

佢地話, 因為猿, 黑猩猩呀已經進化到完滿階段, 與環境達到平衡, 唔需要再有進化來維持物種存活喎。

(不過, 佢地唔記得左人類與猿, 都是生活在相若的環境下。)
"約4000萬年前,與人類基因最相似的大猿, 黑猿開始分開,
奇怪是經過4000萬年,漫長的歲月,大 ...
Dalvm 發表於 2011/11/9 21:50

一些去左迪士尼, 一些去左東涌
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