Excellent short movie! Everyone should take a look: http://stormmovie.net
These statements in the movie are very strong arguments:
Science adjusts its views based on what is observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. (at 5:46 min)
Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be not magic. (at 7:06 min)
Just this world. Just this beautiful, complex, wonderfully unfathomable natural world. How did it so fail to hold our attention that we have to diminish it with cheap man-made myths and monsters? (at 7:35 min)
只有這個世界。只有這個美麗、複雜、奇妙、深不可測的自然世界。它本身已值得我們凝視,無須我們製造廉價的神話和怪物,將之矮化。 |